Many, many moons ago, I was a very well tune athlete.
I was an All State Basketball and baseball player, 6’3", 225 lbs, run, jump, lift, you name it.
I got involved in weight lifting in college, as I passed on college sports, and got up to about 260 lbs, and was LEAN.
Well, I started playing Rugby in college later on, and quit lifting, but ran, did calesthenics, etc., and got down to about 250 lbs. I was in the best shape of my life. I could run 10 mile, do pushups until I got tired of counting, and was just a freaking BEAST on the rugby pitch.
WELL, I suffered a VERY debilitating ankle injury that required some serious reconstruction. My running days are OVER. Since then, I got my degree in Kinesiology and Exercise Science, and eventually got a job not related to that field, and I am now behind the wheel of a car, or a desk, and my eating is atrocious, as I do stay on the road alot.
When I was injured, and had my ankle surgery, I slipped into depression, and quit exercising completely. I had no desire to go out and do ANYTHING. If I did not have to be bigger, faster or stronger what was the point?
My question is, how do I get myself motivated? I am now a 290-310 lb flabby SOB, and can't stand how I look. Other than that, I have a difficult time getting myself into the gym.
Do you guys have any tips for motivating myself, and also do you have any tips for keeping the SORENESS from killing me. I have made attempts to start again in the past, but failed as I could not make it through the first 2 weeks…yeah, I know I need to quit being a puss, but any advice, or even HARSH WORDS you guys could give me would be appreciated.
Sir Hacksalot