SO if you have followed my log you know that I had a very piss poor performance this weekend at the SPF Ironamn. I tried cutting weight when honestly I knew I shouldnt have and we knew it would be a gamble and I lost big time on it. Monday I was 223 after a weekend carb and sodium load. Friday morning at just after midnight I was 197 after. Unfortunately I at this time I started getting insane headaches, cramps, throwing up, nose bleed and my blood pressure shot up to over 185/90 and I had no choice but, to go to the ER. They put 2 IVs in me they wanted to use more but I still wanted to weigh in a few hours later. 9:00AM I was 202 for the weigh in. I began rehydrating as fast as possible taking 1 gallon of Pedilite, 1 gallon of Gatorade, 2 plus gallons of water and food through out the day. Unfortunately the next morning I was still very much taking a blow to my strength and knew I was fucked from the get go.
Squat: Started warming up and knew I was not going to have much to show for. But I still opened with 565 and smoked it no problem. Then went staright to 600 as I it was my goal and there was no way in hell if I didnt take it now I knew I would not have a chance in hell. Unfortunately I still had no chance in hell. I took it into the hole beautifully but as I reversed my upper back fatigued half way up and I just folded over. Same on my third. Not my goal but none the less a 45lbs Squat Meet PR.
Bench: I was very unmotivated at this point and figured I was pretty much fucked for the meet. Either way opened with 300 killed it. 320 next and killed it. 330 I missed at about where my triceps would start firing. 25lbs meet PR.
Deadlift: I was beyond smoked here but still gave it everything I had. 565 murdered it like it just went so smooth. Once again said fuck it and jumped to my goal of 600… Once again no go. Second attempt I started pulling and felt like I was going to pass out so I set it back down. Third attempt I said I was going to pull until I locked it out or passed out… I passed out. Tied a meet PR.
- YouTube
600 Deadlift Passout - YouTube
So all in all not my best or what i wanted but still a 70lbs meet total at 10lbs body weight. Ill never cut again unless a world record is at stake. Ill be refueling and attempting a elite total one more time as a junior in May.