Hello all. As you can see my name is Bradley. I am a recreational lifter looking to get involved in competitive powerlifting once I am done with full time graduate school for dietetics. After I am done with my course work, I will go through an 8 month dietetic internship. On the side from school, I am a bartender part time. As you can see, I am totally not in the position to compete yet or to get insanely strong. I live in Queens, NY on the border line of Queens and Long Island. There are ZERO powerlifting or strength training oriented gyms in my area. The only one I can think of is Iron Island and that is not close to me. My plan for the next year and half is to gain as much muscle mass and strength that I possibly can while training in a recreational gym. I am 25 years old and each day I am becoming more and more interested in getting stronger and bigger. I do not like to sound like a weepy mush, but the sport of powerlifting seems so inspiring and intriguing. The feats of strength, the training, and the comradrie seems so different than what I was interested in before: bodybuilding. I know that my inquiry to you all is probably a little vague but here it goes. I do not really know how to get involved or who to speak to. My plan is to attend as many seminars as my budget and schedule allows the next two years to make some connections and to further educate myself. My “professional goal” is to be an entreprenuer in dietetics and nutrition. However, my other goal is to conduct REAL personal training to all kinds of people and to become involved in competitive powerlifting. I think all of these goals are largely complimentary to one another. I have the usual 20 something year old friends who “belong to a gym” but none of them are as involved as I am. I think these seminars that I plan on going to will widen my horizons. I learn VERY FAST and am willing to put the time in to compete in the future. I am also very disciplined with diet as well. I am currently following a modified Westside routine. It goes as follows.
Day one: Max effort bench press day
- Work up to a 3 to 5 rep max in a bench press varation or dips.
- Supplemental lift: Flat, incline, or decline barbell bench press
- Row variation
- Rear delt exercise
- Abdominal exercise
Day 2 Max Effort Squat/Deadlift day
- Work up to 3 to 5 rep max in a deadlift or squat variation.
- Some type of lunge
- Hamstring/lower back exercise
- Grip exercise
Day 3 Repetition Method Bench Press day
- 20 to 35 reps in first set, rest 60 seconds, do more reps, rest 60 seconds, do more reps. Any variation of dumbell or barbell bench presses or pushups or dips.
- Supplemental lift: Tricep extensions of any kind or dumbell floor presses
- Chinups or lat pulldowns
- Shrugs or delt exercise of any kind
- Abdominal exercise
Day 4 More leg bodybuilding type workout
- Quad exercise
- Hamstring and lower back exercise
- Second hamstring and lower back exercise
- Grip exercise
As you can see, this is identical to the modified Westside version that Joe Defranco wrote for T-Mag months ago. I have been following this template for months with great results. I do not do any speed work or box squats yet as I would like to be coached somewhat in these methods before using them. I am not sure how to perform them correctly yet and as of now I would like to simply put on some more muscle. I was strongly considering trying a modified Metal Militia style workout for a recreational lifter such as myself but I am not sure how to modify it.
My diet looks like this:
Egg whites and some yolks or whole eggs (sometimes I just can’t bring myself to not eat all the yolks ) with cheddar cheese
banana -
tuna with canola mayonnaise
mixed nuts
veggies -
peanut butter -
Mid workout shake with carb and pro powder
Post workout shake with carb and pro powder -
Large bowl of pasta or brown rice
Salmon or lean red meat -
cottage cheese
sunflower seeds
tablespoon of flaxseed oil
It comes out to about 3,500 calories. I cheat once or twice a week or when I feel that I just need more calories that day.
What do you guys think of my current workout plan? You guys think perhaps you can show how to modify an MM style for a recreational lifter who does not plan on wearing a shirt in training for about two years? How do you guys train the squat and deadlift. Am I making the right moves by simply attending seminars? How can I make more connections for the time being. I know this post has been very length, but you guys all seem quite friendly, intelligent, honest, and sincere. I hope I can meet some of you guys when I attend a seminar one day at Naz Bar. If anyone needs some diet tips feel free to ask.