Recommendations on Pull-Up Bar?

For the upcoming holiday, I was going to ask for wife for a Pull Up bar for my garage. I wanted to have a strong pull-up bar that would attach to my garage rafter (which is strong enough to handle my weight)

Any recommendations for a pull-up bar that you have, or a good place to find one?


Go to the plumbing section at Homedepot. You’ll need 3 sections of pipe 2 90 degree elbows and a couple of end caps with a plate with screw holes (I don’t know what their called) You’ll need 2 to 2.5 in wood screws and a driver. Maybe an 1/8 in drill bit to predrill the screw holes in the rafters if your not experienced with a screw gun.

There’s another one that fits in a door jam. Most sporting good stores have it.

I have one (probably what most sporting goods stores would see) that has rubber stoppers on each end, and metal ‘cups’ that you mount in the doorway. THe bar then expands (you unscrew it a bit) until it fits securely into the cup/brackets. Been pulling on it for years, so I guess its pretty sturdy. Cost about 20 bucks I think.


Thanks all for your help!

[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
I have one (probably what most sporting goods stores would see) that has rubber stoppers on each end, and metal ‘cups’ that you mount in the doorway. THe bar then expands (you unscrew it a bit) until it fits securely into the cup/brackets. Been pulling on it for years, so I guess its pretty sturdy. Cost about 20 bucks I think.


I have a couple problems w/ my pullup bar that fits in the doorway. First, it’s not wide enough. Second, being a tall guy, my legs pratically touch the floor and it can get rather annoying.

I have one that I bought from the local sports store, put it in the doorway and it gets the job done (only bad thing is I can’t get a really wide grip to hit the lats but I make up for that elsewhere.

If your legs practically touch the floor, just bring your feet up to your arse, or if you feel like a change of pace, try to do chinups with your legs parallel to the ground, it’s a killer ab workout (I did them to try and get a gymnastics move down, so might not be applicable to others, but it also seemed to load more bicep that way).

So yeah, just grab any metal bar, attach it to something and start yanking yourself up, one of my friends uses a chain loop between 2 rafters with a metal bar over it.

[quote]austin_bicep wrote:

Second, being a tall guy, my legs pratically touch the floor and it can get rather annoying.[/quote]

Hmmn yeah, I really feel for you -lol


[quote]austin_bicep wrote:
The Mighty Stu wrote:
I have one (probably what most sporting goods stores would see) that has rubber stoppers on each end, and metal ‘cups’ that you mount in the doorway. THe bar then expands (you unscrew it a bit) until it fits securely into the cup/brackets. Been pulling on it for years, so I guess its pretty sturdy. Cost about 20 bucks I think.


I have a couple problems w/ my pullup bar that fits in the doorway. First, it’s not wide enough. Second, being a tall guy, my legs pratically touch the floor and it can get rather annoying.[/quote]

I’m tall and I’ve got this one, works pretty well. For the OP though I would recommend the Home Depot/Pipe option.

I have this doorway pullup bar.

I like it alot, it sticks out from the doorway so you have elbow room. You can do shoulder width grip, wide grip, reverse grip and neutral grip. You will have to bend your knees otherwise your feet will touch the floor.

I also attach blast straps and bands to it which allows for many more exercises to be performed.