I just finished doing a high volume 4 week block of training. It consisted of 4 sets of 12-14 reps for upper body and 3 sets of 12-14 for lower and large compound movements.
I find my body responds well to high volume, however want to change up my workout so I don’t stagnate. What would be a different rep/set scheme that would have similar volume but use different rep ranges? Or should I do a 4 week chunk of heavier weights and lower reps after being in such high rep ranges for the past month?
I agree with mr Pop, i dont see if i get any gains off a 4 weeker, i gotta stick for 7-9 weeks.
However you can adapt in 4 weeks, so increase the weights a little and work in a lower rep range and change your split - those will allow you to not “stagnate” but continue with the same REWARDING workout.