Recommend a Lifting Belt

And don’t give me any shit about using the search function. if you have a recommendation i would love to hear it.

Why shouldn’t we give you any shit about the search function?

I have a toro 10mm lever belt from titan. I love it.

If the run of the mill Inzer belt doesn’t suit you check out Bobs belts. Can get them in lots of colors, two tone, 3 tone, exotic leathers. Cool stitching etc. Pretty cool guy too. MADE IN USA if you care about that kind of thing.

Did you really make three threads about this?

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
Why shouldn’t we give you any shit about the search function?[/quote]

Yeah, nice “I want this information but I don’t want to go through any effort at all” attitude. When I was wanting to buy a belt, I did this CRAZY thing and used the search function, because it actually works.

wow, you’re amazing at the internet. congratulations. I DON’T CARE.

there is turmoil in the middle east. we can probably stop reporting on it now that we know about it.

an amazing thing called “new information” happens every minute of every day.

maybe someone has a new idea. if you have any further nonsense to report about your worthless opinion, i suggest shoving it up your asshole.

thanks for useful thoughts on belts to those who gave them or give them in the future.

10 mm lever. No one will ever have a new idea for a newbie asking about belts.

You’re an asshole for asking for advice, recognizing it’s a retarded question that’s been asked a million times, and then being a dick about it.

btw I’m in a foul mood.

[quote]joshlydell wrote:
wow, you’re amazing at the internet. congratulations. I DON’T CARE.

there is turmoil in the middle east. we can probably stop reporting on it now that we know about it.

an amazing thing called “new information” happens every minute of every day.

maybe someone has a new idea. if you have any further nonsense to report about your worthless opinion, i suggest shoving it up your asshole.

thanks for useful thoughts on belts to those who gave them or give them in the future.[/quote]

You are right, there have been so many amazing advancements in strips of leather in the past couple of months since the last one of these threads have been made.

You are right again, there are so many comparisons to draw from wars and poverty around the world, and strips of leather that are 4 inches wide, 10-13 mm thick and have a metal buckle.

BTW, I have a 10 mm single prong belt from elitefts, works great, love it. However, its the only legit belt I have ever used.

[quote]joshlydell wrote:
wow, you’re amazing at the internet. congratulations. I DON’T CARE.

there is turmoil in the middle east. we can probably stop reporting on it now that we know about it.

an amazing thing called “new information” happens every minute of every day.

maybe someone has a new idea. if you have any further nonsense to report about your worthless opinion, i suggest shoving it up your asshole.

thanks for useful thoughts on belts to those who gave them or give them in the future.[/quote]

It shocks me that some of you guys are giving him useful answers.

I know you’ve made it well known that you’re a douche bag but I’d like to continue to add my own report that you should walk off a bridge. I reccomend doing so with suspenders.

Oh and don’t give me any shit that that’s not a belt. You can shove it up your asshole.

[quote]joshlydell wrote:
wow, you’re amazing at the internet. congratulations. I DON’T CARE.

there is turmoil in the middle east. we can probably stop reporting on it now that we know about it.

an amazing thing called “new information” happens every minute of every day.

maybe someone has a new idea. if you have any further nonsense to report about your worthless opinion, i suggest shoving it up your asshole.

thanks for useful thoughts on belts to those who gave them or give them in the future.[/quote]

Its a piece of fucking leather… I don’t believe a Kevlar lifting belt is in the works. Use the search function if you want a discussion on belts. Opinions can’t be shoved up assholes but I’ll happily shove my foot up yours

Judging from your posts, this should be just the thing for you.

13mm belt from Elite- it’s comes soft and flexible, it’s perfect. Inzer’s are good, but pretty stiff at first. Until you run it with a car a few times, it’s so stiff, it feels like the motherfucker is gong to snap a rib.

Incidentally, EliteFTS have discontinued their belts.

my point is: people who have purchased belts aren’t necessarily logging onto tnation and searching out old threads about belts and updating them. a new thread gives them reason to do so.

if you don’t like my thread you have an option of not posting on it or trying to be a tough guy. i’m not impressed. it’s a simple request and again, i am thankful for the useful information that has been provided.

this is a website dedicated to the pursuit of strength and muscle. being a man. go whine on a knitting forum.

Just shut up already. You got your suggestions.

cool story, bro. you seem upset.

More hungover than upset.

fair enough. listen, i hate internet arguing even more than being hungover. i can see where i came across as a dick, though it was not intentional. that’s not an apology, it is a statement. peace.

If no new opinions are being posted in old threads, that would mean that no one has developed a new opinion.