Recommend a Lifting Belt

Hey man, I’ll be sitting on the couch all day watching re-runs of Friends and eating Ben and Jerry’s all day while I wait for the valentine I sent myself to come. You can join me, if you’d like.

That’s not a statement. It’s an invitation.

i’m about to buy a powerlifting belt for the deads and squat for the first time , what do you guys advice me buckle or lever?

thank you in adavance

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
Hey man, I’ll be sitting on the couch all day watching re-runs of Friends and eating Ben and Jerry’s all day while I wait for the valentine I sent myself to come. You can join me, if you’d like.

That’s not a statement. It’s an invitation.[/quote]

Can I cum?

^^^see what I did there?

[quote]hungry4more wrote:

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
Hey man, I’ll be sitting on the couch all day watching re-runs of Friends and eating Ben and Jerry’s all day while I wait for the valentine I sent myself to come. You can join me, if you’d like.

That’s not a statement. It’s an invitation.[/quote]

Can I cum?

^^^see what I did there?[/quote]

Like where your head’s at, big boy.

[quote]amn wrote:
i’m about to buy a powerlifting belt for the deads and squat for the first time , what do you guys advice me buckle or lever?

thank you in adavance

i like to use a lever belt, very easy to put on but it is a bitch to change how much it tighens. if youre going to do a buckle go for a single-prong. double-prongs are really annoying

I have been using this one for about a year now. Good support while being fairly flexible, and it is fairly lightweight.

Girls at the gym dig it as well and I scare away squat-rack curlers.

[quote]joshlydell wrote:
my point is: people who have purchased belts aren’t necessarily logging onto tnation and searching out old threads about belts and updating them. a new thread gives them reason to do so.[/quote]

No it doesn’t. Also, if people on T-Nation aren’t doing it… look on Google and see what other sites are saying it. They are pretty standard across the board. You’re just to fucking lazy to look for yourself.

‘Recommend a Belt’ as a title isn’t a request, it’s a demand. Then, you sit there and talk about how you don’t give a shit about the search function. If you’re this lazy to find a belt, I can only imagine how fucking lazy you are in training and this 'pursuit of strength and muscle" if you can’t find out about equipment you use to get there.

[quote]this is a website dedicated to the pursuit of strength and muscle. being a man. go whine on a knitting forum.

Lol, you’re the one getting butt hurt about it. You know, you want to be a man and want pursuit of strength and muscle, lift without a belt then He-Man.

[quote]ALKoHoLiK wrote:

[quote]joshlydell wrote:
my point is: people who have purchased belts aren’t necessarily logging onto tnation and searching out old threads about belts and updating them. a new thread gives them reason to do so.[/quote]

No it doesn’t. Also, if people on T-Nation aren’t doing it… look on Google and see what other sites are saying it. They are pretty standard across the board. You’re just to fucking lazy to look for yourself.

‘Recommend a Belt’ as a title isn’t a request, it’s a demand. Then, you sit there and talk about how you don’t give a shit about the search function. If you’re this lazy to find a belt, I can only imagine how fucking lazy you are in training and this 'pursuit of strength and muscle" if you can’t find out about equipment you use to get there.

[quote]this is a website dedicated to the pursuit of strength and muscle. being a man. go whine on a knitting forum.

Lol, you’re the one getting butt hurt about it. You know, you want to be a man and want pursuit of strength and muscle, lift without a belt then He-Man.[/quote]

This is an order by the way, not a request.

thank you for the advices , i’m going for a titan 10mm lever toro

Are you going to be lifting in a comp? What federations would you compete in, some have different regulations.

I use an Inzer 10mm dual prong and and Inzer 10mm lever. If I had to pick one, I’d skip the lever but go single prong. The dual prong is a pain in the butt. Because of the way the lever is designed you have to fuck around with it too much to change how loose or tight it is. I prefer my belt looser to pull than squat. At my last meet I squatted with the lever and pulled with the dual prong. With all the crap going on, I couldn’t be bothered to frig around with the lever and make sure it was right.

Threads like this make my morning. It reminds me to never ask anything on T-Nation unless I am sure absolutely no one has the answer… Though, I guess then the question doesn’t get answered.

Anyway, thanks for the belt suggestions. I have gotten to the point where lifting without a belt is becoming increasingly dangerous.

glad i could take one for the team, shadowstrong.

egenrod: no comps. stopped fighting 2 years ago and just found that i have more time than when i was training 6 hours a day. i work as a stonemason and being stronger tends to be a benefit.

SMB, i like the LOOK of your belt the best but i think i found what i’ll end up buying.

Well if your not competing then get a lever belt. I got my 10mm Toro belt delivered yesterday and am looking forwards to deadlifts today.

I was gonna mention a EliteFTS power belt, if you havent already bought one.

WGS, i like that one…i can get it in purple to match my zhooo-zhitsu belt.

Can someone send me a secondhand belt or one they not using. I don’t mind paying handling charges.