marks the first day I start back on reclaiming my health and fitness. I used to compete in sports, but for the past few years have completely fallen off track. No excuses, I want to make a serious commitment to rebuilding, and reimagining myself in an even better way.
I haven’t weighed myself in yet, but I will once I hit the gym in a few minutes and I will write down my workout and results as well as weigh-in etc. For now, please wish me luck. I wanted to keep this short and sweet to get started :).
Thank you all!
Thank you my friends! Today was excellent and I am already starting to feel better, albeit I know I have a long long way to go, in all humility! I am trying to approach things strategically and focus more on consistency and the process.
My weight at the moment is 251lbs. I am supposed to be at a target weight of 165- 185lbs ideal weight. Yesterday I did push, today I did pull. I am going top down. I would progressively increase until at 80 percent of what I can handle atm. Then Make sure to squeeze, breathe properly and pause/hold for at least 1-3 seconds. Then I would go do 15 minutes of high intensity cardio ( stair master or treadmill), then proceed to max.
My focus right now is on long chain movements, then as I get back the major muscle groups, I will start honing in on details again. I know this is not the most organized post at the moment but honestly I was just so excited to finally be back to it and share with you guys, lol. So thank you for baring with me, I promise I will structure these a lot better and actually include proper details in a brief format.
I look forward to earning my place here, and rising up to the best version of me.
Thank you so much guys-