Hello All,
I am a 40 year old ex professional athlete that has lost all fire in he gym and life as a whole, but I have been skimming through the site for a few days and the fire is raging again. I have access to all supplements and ready to go all out with the correct advice.
I am 6 '2 300. I have on 35 pounds in the last two years and I’m ready to shred it. I have GH and a few others but can basically get whatever. I am looking for advice to help me obtain my goals, training , supplements, physiological. …Thanks in Advance…
[quote]Kjack55inct wrote:
Hello All,
I am a 40 year old ex professional athlete that has lost all fire in he gym and life as a whole, but I have been skimming through the site for a few days and the fire is raging again.
I am looking for advice to help me obtain my goals, training , supplements, physiological. …Thanks in Advance…[/quote]
Welcome! Yeah, reading through this site in general and through many of the over 35 logs can light a fire.
Since you’re a former athlete you probably have a pretty decent understanding of some simple workouts you can begin with to get back into it. what’s important is that you begin, get in the gym and start moving some weight, do some cardio, and then come back in here and log your workouts. You’ll find many knowledgeable lifters in this forum provide encouragement and friendly advise on technique and workout routines.
Specifically, what are you your training goals?
Good luck, and I look forward to following your progress.
Welcome my friend! You may find this section of T Nation more appealing because the guys and gals here seem to be more balanced. With age comes greater responsibility and most here are sensitive to your plight.
You said you are an ex-pro so I will assume that unless you were a former chess player something is broken or hurting. Fill me in here and we will work around it.
I assume you are trying to get back in shape and look 25 again? You also said you are looking for guidance on supplements and have GH on hand, are you taking testosterone? Have you had any recent blood work done? If so, what were your numbers?
Let us know what your goals are. Is it simply to lose the 35 pounds you’ve gained or are you looking for more than that. Also let us know what kind of training you are currently doing if any. Plenty of smart guys with lots of experience on all sorts of issues in this forum, if you are willing to put in the work I’m confident you will find the guidance your looking for.
Good luck and as you know as an athlete the hardest part is getting started.