Rebalancing Neck Muscles

During my slacking days i managed to get myself a forward head posture. After i started working out i didnt really bother with any of the neck muscles. Just recently i noticed my jaw looks awfully small from the side, i figured this is because i subconsciously contract the back of my neck to compensate. When i relax though i get my jaw back, but then i also look like a cave man.

Which exercises can i do to get back my natural neck position? I tried wrestler bridges but they are way too hard.

I like to do a lot of static holds for the neck. Here is a link with a great video showing how to do some static holds with a physioball and gives a good layout of neck exercises.


Thanks ill look into that

sport it’s not about exercise it’s just about practicing movement
the thing is not about static holds, it’s about mobility

we adapt to what we do. so during the day do chicken exercises and side to side
do thoracic glides front to back/side to side.

do shoulder work

there’s so much involved in the head going forward in all those areas.

so i’d encourage anyone to think more about movement - just be more aware during the day.

also test your practice - try to do a press with your head forward
then do a few gentle head tilts side to side and go to neutral

then try the press again.

what feels better?

hope that’s some stuff to play with
