Hi all, I tried a search but did not find exactly the same problem answered already, so here goes:
I have done 1 week of 5x5 -training. I started second week with chest/shoulder/arms day after a light warm up. Doing incline benches, I had mucho pain in my rear shoulders, starting from the first rep, around the point where where infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis attach to the shoulder. Afterwards, pain was also felt along the muscle that runs under the bone in your rear shoulder (infraspinatus)? Now it hurts to bring my fingertips to my neck, and any overhead pressing or benching is a no-no. The pain is a bit like strained muscle would have or an extreme case of DOMS. Even holding my hands in the starting position of bench press hurts, and I think it will be a while before I can press again… needless to say, I only did one set of benches and did not even try shoulder presses. The shoulder joint itself is painless, it is the point where muscle connects to the bone that hurts, or perhaps some ligaments near the joint.
Now most of you have complained about pain in front shoulder - how about rear shoulder? I have suggestions why this happened, what do you think:
I was holding the bar too high i.e. too close to my chin causing too much shoulder rotation. In other words, just incorrect technique combined with heavy weights of 5x5. How high should the bar touch your chest when incline pressing? Around nipples or even lower? How about grip width?
I have the classical “weak external rotators”. I have been doing barbell rows and even some rear delt lateral raises, but I have a feeling that they don’t stress external rotators that well. I have been taking care not to develop that hunchback posture by stretching my pecs and doing abovementioned rows. Still, can it be that I have too weak rotator cuff?
Excessive volume of 5x5 program: monday - shoulder press + dips + bench, wednesday - squats + clean&press and friday - shrugs. All requiring shoulder muscles to either do the work, or for support. I have had slight DOMS when going to the gym, but not that bad. After all, this is first week of doing strength-based training, and some DOMS is expected (after light weights of Meltdown training).
Tight muscles in shoulders? I do stretch them, but have a feeling that all muscles are not stretched equally with the stretches I know. I have some shoulder discomfort in holding the bar in back squats, nothing too bad, though.
And yeah - did I seriously damage anything and what do you suggest to rehab my shoulders in addition to ice + inflammatories? I think that doing those cuban raises would be beneficial, but currently it is just that exercise that hurts like hell. How long do you think that I should wait when my shoulders are painless, before benching again? Any other exercises to replace incline bench while I get my rotator cuff strengthened?