Raw Uncut Gym Opening in Cape Town

Hey Guys,

Myself and business partner are finally getting together to launch our Personal Training Gym in Cape Town, South Africa. Most of you are too far away to come and train here but we would appreciate some help in pointing out any missing equipment.

It’s a warehouse styled industrial facility, so gonna be pretty raw and uncut - we have put the following down as definited - anything else?

5 Power Cages
DB 2kg-60kg (4.4 pounds - 132 pounds)
Olympic bars
Fat barbell
Squat bar
Trap deadlift bar
Kettle bells
Boxing bags
Adjustable benches
Want a reverse hyper but struggling to find one.
COuple of spin bikes and rowers for tabata protocols
Swiss & medicine Balls and BOSU’s
Giant tyre and sledgehammer

Have we missed anything?

Cheers all!

As I am a fellow Capie- Where about in CT will this gym be situated?

V- dipping stations
60kg DB’s are not enough…2kg-80kg will be nicer…(think Kroc rows etc…)
Maybe some blast straps…
Thick ropes always come in handy…
Various attachements (like a v-grip for corner rows etc…)
AB wheels…(lol, but very good exercise)

All I can think of now, considering you want a ‘raw’ and ‘uncut’ setup…

Belts for loading BW exercises, chins, dips etc.

What about the machines (HS, Cable etc)? This is a BB gym right? Bigger DBs as well. Maybe a second Fat Bar.

You may also want to consider more cardio equipment. Although you may not want cardio bunnys in your gym, you’ll probably get a nice percentage of your total revenue from this type of member.


Grinder - gym will actually be in Westlake, Southern Suburbs - should be opening up about June time. We thought of going heavier on the DB, but the cost is quite high for those DB plus other than myself and my Busines partner, i dont expect many of our regular clients to anywhere near those weights to start with. It is something we would like to add at a later stage though. Def get chin and dip station though and some thick ropes.

Drezc - nice, forgot about the belts for dips and BW exercises! Small things that matter!

LondonRunner - we have put a dual pulley machine on the list, but trying to stay away from machines. Free weights all the way. Heavy compounds, “O” lifts, power moves etc.
No membership will be Personal Training clients only, staying away from gym bunny cardio - sprints, complexes, tabata and outside running circuit.

Bumper plates/platforms (but I’m assuming you just left this off the list)

x2 on heavier DBs

Definitely getting platforms in, boxes, etc - will definitely review the DB situation, really does depend on the cost though.

[quote]CrossTraining wrote:

LondonRunner - we have put a dual pulley machine on the list, but trying to stay away from machines. Free weights all the way. Heavy compounds, “O” lifts, power moves etc.
No membership will be Personal Training clients only, staying away from gym bunny cardio - sprints, complexes, tabata and outside running circuit.


Honestly put fucken machines ALL bodybuilders use machines. Ask any of the BIG guys on this site Im sure they probably wouldnt go to your Gym if you didn’t have a decent supply of machines.

Outside of cable stations, machines are a huge expense and they take up a ton of room while only serving the purpose of one exercise. For a start up gym like this, machines are definitely not the way to go.

[quote]WS4JB wrote:
Outside of cable stations, machines are a huge expense and they take up a ton of room while only serving the purpose of one exercise. For a start up gym like this, machines are definitely not the way to go.[/quote]

Well from his Post it sounded like he just wanted to avoid them all together which is wrong mindset IMO…

If he wants to avoid machines, this will end up a powerlifter gym. I can understand not wanting them to begin with, what with the initial capital expenditure, but bodybuilders use machines.

Is there pullup bars on the power racks you have?

What’s going to make a serious lifter favour your gym over one that they can build up themselves with reasonably low budget and room…or another gym with more selection?

I have most of that equipment that you’ve mentioned, but since I’m moving onto a more bodybuilding specific approach, I need more machines…and that’s the reason why I’d go to a public gym - because I cannot afford this equipment, not all at once (it wouldn’t be worth the cost, not for just one person).

Don’t mean to be funny, just saying - you’d be cutting a lot of clientele. The comments above me are exactly along the lines I was thinking…

I think something like this would be highly used as well

If I can get the cash, you will see me there for certain days, but its a bit of a drive for me to get there every day. I will have to stick with Virgin on every other day :(. I know people who live around there who will definitely join though! DBs above 65 please! :wink:
I’m really looking forward to this!

Nice job, openning your own gym at 29, you can be proud of yourself. This is definitely the kind of gym I’d go to.

But if you want to make it profitable, I kind’of agree with the others, you might want to make it more “fitness-planet-like” with varied cardio equipment with HD-TV monitors in front and some hammer strength machines.

[quote]Rocky2 wrote:
Is there pullup bars on the power racks you have?[/quote]

All the racks will have pull up bars.

[quote]CPerfringens wrote:
Nice job, openning your own gym at 29, you can be proud of yourself. This is definitely the kind of gym I’d go to.

But if you want to make it profitable, I kind’of agree with the others, you might want to make it more “fitness-planet-like” with varied cardio equipment with HD-TV monitors in front and some hammer strength machines.[/quote]

Thanks mate - big change for me, used to be a 137kg fatty! So huge turn around.
See we’re not worried about members, will be a low/no member base, literally just for personal training clients. There will be a couple of TV’s but they just prove a distraction at times. We want to get away from the lifestyle “planet fitness & virgin actives” gyms - getting back to basics. No more gym bunnies - proper strength training.

[quote]optheta wrote:

[quote]WS4JB wrote:
Outside of cable stations, machines are a huge expense and they take up a ton of room while only serving the purpose of one exercise. For a start up gym like this, machines are definitely not the way to go.[/quote]

Well from his Post it sounded like he just wanted to avoid them all together which is wrong mindset IMO…[/quote]

The intial cost of machines is quite huge, and you’d be suprised how much DB’s Racks etc all cost when you add it together, plus rent, utilities etc etc.

[quote]tokyopop wrote:
If I can get the cash, you will see me there for certain days, but its a bit of a drive for me to get there every day. I will have to stick with Virgin on every other day :(. I know people who live around there who will definitely join though! DBs above 65 please! :wink:
I’m really looking forward to this![/quote]

Awesome - come through and check it out when it’s open. Will look into heavier DB’s!

Tired of Virgin Active and there crap service and not being able to do any form of heavy lifts there. Drop 160kg there and it will fall through the floor!