These were the only pics I could get my girlfriend to take. Any suggestions are welcome. I’ve workouted for 10+ years, but about 8 months for aestetics. I Keto dieted for about 4 weeks and loss a pound or two of muscle and some strength. I needed more healthy fats and protein, but now I know. I going to start eating/training for mass today hoping to add 10-15 lbs to my 182 lb frame.
Here’s a front
I think between the two pics you posted and your avatar, we have enough to rate you on. However, before I do, any chance you can make them any bigger?? From what I can (barely) see, I would completely agree on adding 10-15 pounds.
[quote]JN7844 wrote:
I think between the two pics you posted and your avatar, we have enough to rate you on. However, before I do, any chance you can make them any bigger?? From what I can (barely) see, I would completely agree on adding 10-15 pounds.[/quote]
Oooch. A 3? I knew I had a beat down coming but damn. I’m 6’1" and a true ectomorph. I wish I had more and better pics, but that’s all I could get. What are my strong points and weakpoints if you don’t mind me asking.
not a bad start man dont let douch bags bring ya down. theres some guys on here smaller than u but the fact that theyre in contest shape ppl give them higher scores. get ur weight up to about 210 with 5% bodyfat, carb load/shed water weight, tan and go to a good photographer and youll look better than prolly 80% of the ppl on here. a gave u a 5 since the way i rate is 10=ronnie coleman and a 1=Mohandas Gandhi LOL
also dont forget to post ur training and diet too