18 years old
Training on and off for about 3 years gaining and losing, trying to stick with it now
Weight 137 pounds
Bench 175 flat bar max
Pullup 160 5+ times body weight, weighted belt
Cable row 140 8+ times
Squat around 170 never really tried to max out,definitely will now
I use GNC weigh iso burst protein, 1 scoop(20g) before and after working out, also twice daily I take 2 multivitamin pills. Usually after working out and before bed.
no real diet plan,just mix it up throughout the day with fruits, vegetables, 16 grain bread made without flour, whole wheat pastas, oatmeal, lots of milk, vector and specialK cereal, yogurt, fish steak and pork chops, toast with all peanut peanut butter
whatever I can find around here thats good ill eat
tell me what you think and share some comments, ill try and get more pics once I figure out how