[quote]K2000 wrote:
jawara wrote:
Were illegal aliens taken into account when computing the costs?
I don’t know. The costs of what… insurance policies in Texas? I guess so. Illegals are in the system and accruing costs like everyone else who isn’t insured, gets emergency services, and doesn’t pay. The costs do get passed on, but how big of a factor that is for your final costs, I don’t know. I do know that insurance companies are clocking dollars like crazy, their profits are rising every year at something like 7 times the rate of inflation, with profits far exceeding other successful industries. They are raping people IMO.
Illegals shouldn’t be in the system at all…
[quote]K2000 wrote:
But why do most Americans want health care reform?
You see, I don’t believe this at all. I bet most people that want health care reform only do so because they’re told our current system is “bad”. They don’t know know how or why it’s bad, but they heard it is, and it needs to be fixed. Really, the vast majority of people are indifferent.
Maybe they know somebody who went bankrupt because of a medical crisis. 62% of bankruptcies were based in medical problems, in 2007.
Maybe they know somebody who lost their home because of medical problems.
Maybe their premiums went up (cost of health insurance premiums doubled since 2000)
Employers want health care reform because the costs of insurance are killing them. And many employers are shifting the burden onto their employees. Big businesses want reform, and small businesses want reform too. We might disagree on what that reform would be, but most people recognize that there are problems with the current insurance system. We can track the costs and then project how they will continue to go up, and continue to negatively impact our economy.
But you say that you are personally unaware of any problems with our health care system? It sounds like it’s nice to be you.
[quote]John S. wrote:
The American people do want reform. The reform they want is government out of health care.[/quote]
Bullshit. Most people are very satisfied with their Medicare. If you conservatives want to campaign on getting rid of Medicare, go for it. You will never win another national election.
Look, if you are so against government interference, lets start by ending Iowa’s massive farm subsidies. Lets see you complain about something that might actually affect your spoiled, pampered ass.
[quote]jawara wrote:
Illegals shouldn’t be in the system at all…
Illegals can get emergency care because it’s against the law to turn someone away from the Emergency room (at least in some states). This prevents hospitals from potentially demanding your paperwork, as you bleed to death. Illegal immigration is a different conversation, but illegals are not covered by the current House bill, and will most likely not be covered by the Senate bill either. It’s highly unlikely that illegals will create a false identity in order to obtain health care under this bill, because we know that generally doesn’t happen under the Medicare system.
[quote]K2000 wrote:
John S. wrote:
The American people do want reform. The reform they want is government out of health care.
Bullshit. Most people are very satisfied with their Medicare. If you conservatives want to campaign on getting rid of Medicare, go for it. You will never win another national election.
Look, if you are so against government interference, lets start by ending Iowa’s massive farm subsidies. Lets see you complain about something that might actually affect your spoiled, pampered ass. [/quote]
I want them to get rid of it.
Medicare is broke dumb fuck. And you have a whole generation that was banking on it. The are going to reap what they sowed all that time ago.
We can do much better here in Iowa without the government help. In fact I know a few farmers that wouldn’t mind getting rid of the subsidies.
Wherever you went to school you should go and demand your money back. They may just have made you more stupid.
If you want to talk about farm subsides that is fine, we can talk about how it is impossible for a farmer now to do his job without the bank because of it.
They are keeping things inflated, and it is not helping us here in Iowa it is hurting us.
[quote]K2000 wrote:
But you say that you are personally unaware of any problems with our health care system? It sounds like it’s nice to be you.[/quote]
Oh, I said that? Could you quote me again, please? I missed where I said that.
[quote]John S. wrote:
Medicare is broke dumb fuck. And you have a whole generation that was banking on it. The are going to reap what they sowed all that time ago.
Wrong, Medicare is PROJECTED to go broke. I forget what year that will happen… 2025? 2040? At that point, they will begin paying out more than they are taking in… not exactly ‘broke’ as you said, but operating with a deficit, kind of like the Washington Times (well, not quite that bad LOL) or the first 10 years of Fox News, or like how Bush paid for the Iraq war.
One of the reasons we need effective health care reform is to contain skyrocketing costs, which are bleeding Medicare dry. Yeah the government didn’t do a good job of projecting Medicare’s costs, all those years ago… they didn’t really anticipate what greedy, evil bastards the insurance companies would become.
[quote]malonetd wrote:
K2000 wrote:
But you say that you are personally unaware of any problems with our health care system? It sounds like it’s nice to be you.
Oh, I said that? Could you quote me again, please? I missed where I said that.[/quote]
Oh you didn’t say that about yourself? Okay, you just meant most people, but not you.
[quote]John S. wrote:
You do realize that we are using that money to fund social programs right?
I am against social programs so… we don’t need it.
Class of 2009 really has failed.[/quote]
Man, I really hope your guys will campaign on ending social programs. You would never win anything bigger than a local election. Your political movement would go the way of the dodo bird.
[quote]K2000 wrote:
John S. wrote:
You do realize that we are using that money to fund social programs right?
I am against social programs so… we don’t need it.
Class of 2009 really has failed.
Man, I really hope your guys will campaign on ending social programs. You would never win anything bigger than a local election. Your political movement would go the way of the dodo bird.
Thanks in advance.
I am all for letting them fail on there own. Once the inflation sets in Medicare will collapse sooner then the 2017 date. Social security I give another 10 years.
Once they realize how toxic these are they will give them up on there own.
The best thing about these systems is they are unsustainable, and most who championed them intended to use them, and when they dry up they will simply be Reaping what they Sowed.
I hope you guys continue to push through programs, the more you push through the more we can blame the economy on you. When that finally goes belly up it will be your politicians holding the bag.
I guess everything really is going to right itself in the end.
Well, be patient. The vast majority of people still blame the economy on Bush, and that won’t change in a substantial way until Obama’s second term. But if the economy recovers, Obama will still be able to take credit, if that happens in the next 8 years.
[quote]K2000 wrote:
Well, be patient. The vast majority of people still blame the economy on Bush, and that won’t change in a substantial way until Obama’s second term. But if the economy recovers, Obama will still be able to take credit, if that happens in the next 8 years.[/quote]
Last poll I checked 45% blame obama and 49% blame bush.
Now that his lap dog(MSNBC and CNN) are declaring the recession is over, when the banks start loaning money out in the next 6 months and inflation hits expect the number’s to quickly change.
The public remembers one thing. If we did passed the stimulus unemployment would in no way go above 8%.
[quote]K2000 wrote:
What’s funny is that many of the same people who are outraged - OUTRAGED - that a penny of their taxes might pay for somebody else’s health care, are the very same people who will insist until they are blue in the face that America was founded on Christian values.
Similarly, there wasn’t one single Tea Party demonstration, when Bush was president and spending like crazy for 8 years… it’s just hypocrisy.
You know who has 100% government-provided socialized health care?
You know who pays for it?
American taxpayers.
You know who installed that system in Iraq?
The Bush administration.
But I’ve never seen one single “conservative” complain about socialized health care in Iraq. For 8 years, almost no conservatives complained about the exploding deficit under Bush.
So complain all you want… most people are not taking you seriously. There were more people demonstrating at the capitol for Gay Rights, than there were at the 9/12 Teabagger Protest.[/quote]
Aren’t you the asshat who pulled out the word “non-sequitur” just a few posts ago to feel all intellectual and superior?
[quote]malonetd wrote:
K2000 wrote:
But why do most Americans want health care reform?
You see, I don’t believe this at all. I bet most people that want health care reform only do so because they’re told our current system is “bad”. They don’t know know how or why it’s bad, but they heard it is, and it needs to be fixed. Really, the vast majority of people are indifferent.[/quote]
The majority of people couldn’t tell you who their Senators or Rep is. Fox sent a guy walking around Manhattan and less than one third new who Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi were. Everything we’re seeing in DC is but a symptom of the apathetic self absorbed populous.
[quote]K2000 wrote:
Bullshit. Most people are very satisfied with their Medicare. If you conservatives want to campaign on getting rid of Medicare, go for it. You will never win another national election.