Government cheese. Sucks.
The M4 Carbine is a piece of junk but the military uses it.
ACU pattern camo sucks the Army uses it also.
The governments response to Hurricane Katrina was horrible.
We’ve all heard of the governent wasting money.
Public education isnt all that great and it’s worse if you live in the ghetto.
Even Jerimah Wright has said the government is crooked. Remember his “God damn America speech”?
Lets face it folks, most f us really arent too happy with the government. I think congress has a 21% approval rating.
If thats the case why do people want the government to be in charge of their healthcare?
If thats the case why do people want the government to be in charge of their healthcare? [/quote]
Because they want to legalize pot, but send people to jail if they choose not to purchase a health care policy? That’s freedom, baby. As long as you can toke up and collect on state benefits for your polyamorous homo/bi/hetero marriage, you’re free. Don’cha know?
Now, if a woman owns her body, to the point of being able to abort the life inside of it, how do I not have the right to choose to forgo health-care coverage of my own body?
This thread should be used as an opportunity for Obama/Pelosi supporters to voice their regrets. We’re here to welcome you.
Well the original question is a non-sequiter, because the government is not going to get involved with about 90% of American’s current insurance. But why do most Americans want health care reform?
Because most people can see that the private health insurance companies are raping people. Why do Americans support the Democratic health care reform proposals? Because the Republicans never proposed reform of their own, so pickin’s are slim.
BTW, the GOP finally released their own health care reform proposal. And lets face it, they had plenty of time to come up with their own proposal. According to Congressional Budget Office:
The Republican plan would help insure 3 million additional Americans by 2019
The Democratic plan would help insure 39 million additional Americans by 2019
The Republican plan would shave 68 billion dollars from the deficit
The Democratic plan would shave 104 billion dollars from the deficit
IMO, one of the main reasons that Republicans are back in the minority now, is because they revealed themselves to be poor legislators. Of course if your political philosophy revolves around the idea that “government can’t work” then obviously you’d be against passing a potentially effective piece of legislation that improves peoples’ lives, because it undercuts everything that you believe in.
[quote]K2000 wrote:
Well the original question is a non-sequiter, because the government is not going to get involved with about 90% of American’s current insurance.[/quote]
[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
Fool me once… shame on you
Fool me twice… shame on me
Fool me hundreds of times over the course of a few generations and I’m an enlightened American liberal.[/quote]
[quote]K2000 wrote:
Well the original question is a non-sequiter, because the government is not going to get involved with about 90% of American’s current insurance. But why do most Americans want health care reform?
Because most people can see that the private health insurance companies are raping people. Why do Americans support the Democratic health care reform proposals? Because the Republicans never proposed reform of their own, so pickin’s are slim.
BTW, the GOP finally released their own health care reform proposal. And lets face it, they had plenty of time to come up with their own proposal. According to Congressional Budget Office:
The Republican plan would help insure 3 million additional Americans by 2019
The Democratic plan would help insure 39 million additional Americans by 2019
The Republican plan would shave 68 billion dollars from the deficit
The Democratic plan would shave 104 billion dollars from the deficit
IMO, one of the main reasons that Republicans are back in the minority now, is because they revealed themselves to be poor legislators. Of course if your political philosophy revolves around the idea that “government can’t work” then obviously you’d be against passing a potentially effective piece of legislation that improves peoples’ lives, because it undercuts everything that you believe in.[/quote]
holy fucking shit. you drank all the koolaid man!
and the Democrats have FULL ownership for the current deficit… and probably won’t be in the majority after the next election if things keep going this way.
[quote]jawara wrote:
Lets face it folks, most f us really arent too happy with the government. I think congress has a 21% approval rating.
If thats the case why do people want the government to be in charge of their healthcare? [/quote]
Conditioned to think that the response to bad government is to “change” government rather than reducing or altogether eliminating its role in a given area. This is the number one reason. If you can control the questions that people ask, the answers don’t matter.
The elites have been controlling the questions for decades.
Liberals would disagree with you that government sucks at everything it does.
[quote]K2000 wrote:
Well the original question is a non-sequiter, because the government is not going to get involved with about 90% of American’s current insurance. But why do most Americans want health care reform?
Because most people can see that the private health insurance companies are raping people. Why do Americans support the Democratic health care reform proposals? Because the Republicans never proposed reform of their own, so pickin’s are slim.
BTW, the GOP finally released their own health care reform proposal. And lets face it, they had plenty of time to come up with their own proposal. According to Congressional Budget Office:
The Republican plan would help insure 3 million additional Americans by 2019
The Democratic plan would help insure 39 million additional Americans by 2019
The Republican plan would shave 68 billion dollars from the deficit
The Democratic plan would shave 104 billion dollars from the deficit
IMO, one of the main reasons that Republicans are back in the minority now, is because they revealed themselves to be poor legislators. Of course if your political philosophy revolves around the idea that “government can’t work” then obviously you’d be against passing a potentially effective piece of legislation that improves peoples’ lives, because it undercuts everything that you believe in.[/quote]
Please remove Obama’s nutsack from your mouth when you speak.
What’s funny is that many of the same people who are outraged - OUTRAGED - that a penny of their taxes might pay for somebody else’s health care, are the very same people who will insist until they are blue in the face that America was founded on Christian values.
Similarly, there wasn’t one single Tea Party demonstration, when Bush was president and spending like crazy for 8 years… it’s just hypocrisy.
You know who has 100% government-provided socialized health care?
You know who pays for it?
American taxpayers.
You know who installed that system in Iraq?
The Bush administration.
But I’ve never seen one single “conservative” complain about socialized health care in Iraq. For 8 years, almost no conservatives complained about the exploding deficit under Bush.
So complain all you want… most people are not taking you seriously. There were more people demonstrating at the capitol for Gay Rights, than there were at the 9/12 Teabagger Protest.
[quote]K2000 wrote:
What’s funny is that many of the same people who are outraged - OUTRAGED - that a penny of their taxes might pay for somebody else’s health care, are the very same people who will insist until they are blue in the face that America was founded on Christian values.
Similarly, there wasn’t one single Tea Party demonstration, when Bush was president and spending like crazy for 8 years… it’s just hypocrisy.
You know who has 100% government-provided socialized health care?
You know who pays for it?
American taxpayers.
You know who installed that system in Iraq?
The Bush administration.
But I’ve never seen one single “conservative” complain about socialized health care in Iraq. For 8 years, almost no conservatives complained about the exploding deficit under Bush.
So complain all you want… most people are not taking you seriously. There were more people demonstrating at the capitol for Gay Rights, than there were at the 9/12 Teabagger Protest.[/quote]
So you’re cool with jailing your fellow citizens because they refuse to obtain coverage?
[quote]K2000 wrote:
Well the original question is a non-sequiter, because the government is not going to get involved with about 90% of American’s current insurance. But why do most Americans want health care reform?
Because most people can see that the private health insurance companies are raping people. Why do Americans support the Democratic health care reform proposals? Because the Republicans never proposed reform of their own, so pickin’s are slim.
BTW, the GOP finally released their own health care reform proposal. And lets face it, they had plenty of time to come up with their own proposal. According to Congressional Budget Office:
The Republican plan would help insure 3 million additional Americans by 2019
The Democratic plan would help insure 39 million additional Americans by 2019
The Republican plan would shave 68 billion dollars from the deficit
The Democratic plan would shave 104 billion dollars from the deficit
IMO, one of the main reasons that Republicans are back in the minority now, is because they revealed themselves to be poor legislators. Of course if your political philosophy revolves around the idea that “government can’t work” then obviously you’d be against passing a potentially effective piece of legislation that improves peoples’ lives, because it undercuts everything that you believe in.[/quote]
I’m no expert on the healthcare business so I have a question. How much of the high cost of health insurance is due to government regulation. I do know that some states only have so many of the many different companies that can operate in their state (NY and NJ by example).
I do agree with you on on thing, I’ve heard the Democrats belly aching on the costs before the repubs. I still think less government involvement is whats gonna be the most help.
Oh, on the 90% thing… If they put me in jail for not buying their product, that sounds pretty totalatarian to me.
But I’ve never seen one single “conservative” complain about socialized health care in Iraq. For 8 years, almost no conservatives complained about the exploding deficit under Bush.
So complain all you want… most people are not taking you seriously. There were more people demonstrating at the capitol for Gay Rights, than there were at the 9/12 Teabagger Protest.[/quote]
I’ve complained about it. I’ve been there twice. As a matter of fact i have a video of me and my old platoon pulling security outside of a small doctors office on the west side of BIAP.
[quote]Sloth wrote:
So you’re cool with jailing your fellow citizens because they refuse to obtain coverage?[/quote]
No, not at all. But how many people in America went to jail last year, for not paying income tax? (about 80 people). My point is that I don’t anticipate this being prosecuted very strongly. I actually don’t think it will be in the final bill (I hope not). I’m not for mandatory policies, I think that’s stupid. Blue Dog democrats put shit like that into the bill, not liberals.
Complaining about how awful health care reform will be is kinda pointless right now - we are still far away from seeing a final bill, and nobody knows what will be in it, in the end. I don’t like what the House passed (probably for different reasons why you don’t like it) but I see any health care reform as a necessary first step that will need to be corrected and adjusted with amendments, as the years go by.
We would probably have better legislation if the Republicans actually were sincere about working with the Democrats, but instead they have made a political calculation that trying to defeat the president’s agenda is a better electoral strategy, rather than helping to craft the legislation in a way that helps as many of their constituents as possible.
Many Republicans don’t seem to think that health care reform is even necessary, even though medical crisis is a big factor in bankruptcies and foreclosures, even among people who had insurance policies… they hit their policy’s spending cap, or couldn’t afford the co-pays, or their claims were rejected etc.
A lot of Americans are just a medical emergency away from financial collapse. Democrats want to change that. Republicans not so much, apparently.
[quote]jawara wrote:
I’m no expert on the healthcare business so I have a question. How much of the high cost of health insurance is due to government regulation. I do know that some states only have so many of the many different companies that can operate in their state (NY and NJ by example).
Well I believe that Texas is one of the states with the fewest government regulations on the health insurance companies. And their policy rates are some of the highest in America, and they have one of the highest rates of uninsured people. They are one of the worst states in the nation for health care. I don’t know if this holds true for every unregulated state, but I know Texas is unregulated and their stats are at the bottom.
Massachusetts has mandatory insurance (Romney installed it) and people bitch about it and that gets a lot of attention, but apparently most Massholes want to keep it/think it’s a good idea.
Link is an editorial - if you insist I will link the actual polling results, or just look it up yourself.
[quote]K2000 wrote:
jawara wrote:
I’m no expert on the healthcare business so I have a question. How much of the high cost of health insurance is due to government regulation. I do know that some states only have so many of the many different companies that can operate in their state (NY and NJ by example).
Well I believe that Texas is one of the states with the fewest government regulations on the health insurance companies. And their policy rates are some of the highest in America, and they have one of the highest rates of uninsured people. They are one of the worst states in the nation for health care. I don’t know if this holds true for every unregulated state, but I know Texas is unregulated and their stats are at the bottom.
Massachusetts has mandatory insurance (Romney installed it) and people bitch about it and that gets a lot of attention, but apparently most Massholes want to keep it/think it’s a good idea.
…79 percent of Massachusetts residents want to keep the state’s public plan and only 11 percent want it repealed. And 98 percent of the state’s residents have health insurance.
Link is an editorial - if you insist I will link the actual polling results, or just look it up yourself.[/quote]
Were illegal aliens taken into account when computing the costs?
[quote]jawara wrote:
Were illegal aliens taken into account when computing the costs?[/quote]
I don’t know. The costs of what… insurance policies in Texas? I guess so. Illegals are in the system and accruing costs like everyone else who isn’t insured, gets emergency services, and doesn’t pay. The costs do get passed on, but how big of a factor that is for your final costs, I don’t know.
I do know that insurance companies are clocking dollars like crazy, their profits are rising every year at something like 7 times the rate of inflation, with profits far exceeding other successful industries. They are raping people IMO.