Rant Aussie's Will Understand

sup my t brethren

now I know this may come across as a racist rant but i assure you its not, its rant about the proud too be ignorant, Now Im not sure if any other countries suffer from this but I know Australia has two major social epidemics on its hands.

  1. The muzza, which is usually characterized by a rat tail, wears fluro colour t-shirts, listens too “tekkers”, drives around in there “fully sick” commodore at the local shopping center fronting as if there tough, usually they hang in “packs” where they are afraid of one on one confrontations so instead all gang up. Also the ones that do ‘workout’ are generally the ones who do curls in the squat rack and talk about how they can bench 150kg or there cousins cousin can, also they like too wear $80 t-shirts too the gym too show off there 11-inch “gun show”.

Now mainly in Australia these ‘people’ choose too speak with no correct grammar, spit after every sentence and are continually smoking whilst stating this will be my last pack of cigarette’s ever. Now the general stereo type is someone of European decent e.g italian, greek or lebonese, however there are cases of white people and indian’s(sorry for generalizing)…this brings me on too the next social epidemic

  1. Indians thinking that they are infact African or of african descent, so they try too emulate 50 cent on tv, No you are NOT AFRICAN AMERICAN, So stop trying too act like the ones portrayed in rap music videos…now this seems too an emerging trend that really has been on the brink of breaking out for the last year or two, now most mainstream rap(I’m a fan of rap/hip-hop, massive from de la soul’s - 3 feet high and rising, too UGK’s - Underground Kingz(side note fucking sick album) portrays a life of misogany, indulgence and ignorance.

Now the suburb I live in, is no where close to the poverty line so why do the indians(sorry for the generalization again) have to claim that there from a hood and are infact a part of a gang. Yet when you come face too face with them, they are generally the first too back down.

now of course the world is still stuck in the emo epidemic which honestly too all parents with young teenage males who are emo, do you understand that your allowing your kid to dress like a transvestite causing a usually normal person too metamorphosis into a complete outcast just because its been the in thing since the start of the millennium?

now i do apologize for my lack of grammar and a couple of spelling errors, but does this only go on in Melbourne, Australia or is anyone else out there dealing with the same bullshit??

just for your information I’m sick of these “muzza’s”, next time i hear of them say “oh my gawd” or “fully sick” or “tekkers” or “man Im pinging”, I’m going to grab them by the rat tail and completely kick the shit out of them

sorry that is my rant, I know i’ll cop some flack but I was wondering is the Muzza phenomenon just local to australia or anywhere else in the world?

I don’t honestly understand why you care.

Unless they’re affecting you or the public in some direct and harmful way… just ignore them.

Like fair enough we all like to have a bitch about people sometimes but really that’s as far as it should go.

[quote]jtg987 wrote:
sup my t brethren


Mate, mate, mate. Funny when I started reading the one of many many thousand random tracks came on was Guido Hatzis. So it set the tone beautifully.

Funny guy. Not too sure where you are going with your rant though.

eh just sick of these ‘muzza’s’ last night was pretty much the last straw, they always be fucking up our nights trying to start shit

its a problem when your at a club minding your own business and the same dumb group of fuckers harasses you or your friends for no good reason except there bored with picking the fluff out of there belly buttons so they annoy you

[quote]jtg987 wrote:
eh just sick of these ‘muzza’s’ last night was pretty much the last straw, they always be fucking up our nights trying to start shit[/quote]
It never ends…Always some random groups of assholes out there born to screw with anyone they see having the good time they are incapable of enjoying or even understanding …(Are these the same scum we’ve heard about going round kidnapping, humiliating and raping the local girls?)…(Example: 1970’s-Germany: 5 US Army G.I. Black belts walking to the train station after a tournament, pass a bar filled with visiting UK soccer hoodlums, who promptly exit, shouting racist insults, and start an unprovoked attack on the karatekas…One day I’ll tell the rest of the story, but you get the point)…It never ends…

[quote]De sleeplijn wrote:
jtg987 wrote:
sup my t brethren

Mate, mate, mate. Funny when I started reading the one of many many thousand random tracks came on was Guido Hatzis. So it set the tone beautifully.

Funny guy. Not too sure where you are going with your rant though. [/quote]

Better watch out, De sleeplijn, jtg987 may come over and kickbox your head.

Well, I’ve spent a lot of time in Oz and I’ve been to Melbourne. I know what you are talking about. The “fully sick, mate” thing is pretty amusing.

But, i have to say, your rant does come across as the typically Australian subversively racist attitude.

I mean, to call someone a “muzza” does not sit well with me to be honest. I’ve heard the groups you’re talking about called “Wogs” or “lebs” openly and without reprimand from anyone around. It seems it’s pretty much just accepted.

We have plenty of our own groups who start shit too. We have Chavs, see http://www.chavscum.co.uk/

It’s tiresome but there you go.

unfortunately thats what most of them like too be called, I never said all Lebanese people were muzza’s, i just said generally that it consists of europeans. this isnt a thread to bag out a certain, its pretty much rant against a subculture that has emerged in australia

You just described every city and suburb in America. Kids are more than likely going to act like little assholes and try to rebel against anyone older than them. Most grow out of it, and some don’t. And no, I’m not limiting this to a specific race or ethnic group. It happens to everyone, so get over it.

[quote]AdamC wrote:

But, i have to say, your rant does come across as the typically Australian subversively racist attitude.


Wow, that coming from a Englishman, LOL.

[quote]AdamC wrote:
But, i have to say, your rant does come across as the typically Australian subversively racist attitude.

I mean, to call someone a “muzza” does not sit well with me to be honest. I’ve heard the groups you’re talking about called “Wogs” or “lebs” openly and without reprimand from anyone around. It seems it’s pretty much just accepted.

Haha. Totally agree being a ‘Yank’ and moving here. They brand everyone and I think it is a pisser. Wogs, Lebs, Nips, Abos, Curry Munchers, Rag heads and so on. Although Anglos are just called Skips so no group gets by without an insult.

I honestly think Australia is about as multicultural as you can get and they cope with it way better than 95% of the world.

[quote]aussie486 wrote:
AdamC wrote:
But, i have to say, your rant does come across as the typically Australian subversively racist attitude.
Wow, that coming from a Englishman, LOL.[/quote]
Said what? Thing about Pommy’s and Aussies is…

  1. They should known better…
  2. They always seem to bag on the most respectable “non-anglo’s” and let the criminal and terrorists elements have a pass? I dealt with some pretty dispicable attitudes as an American in the UK for no good reason, and I was a Soldier in those days (How the fuck did the UK turn over a country fighting terrorists to a gottdamn communist murderer with a Hitler moustache in a savile row suit with a North Korean trained SS death squad to do his dirty work, and think that was a good move?)…
    Only an Anglo moron would reject their son, fruit of their stinkin’ loins, who rose to be the flippin’President of an independent country!!! (Think about it…How much more can you want for your son than to be a damn President? What more can you do to make your Dad proud of you?) simply because he is biracial: half English and half Black? (bet that was no issue when he was bangin’ his mom!)…Don’t know what I’m on about? Look up the bio of Flight Lt. Jerry Rawlings of the Ghanian Air Force…Talk about the pot callin’ the kettle black…You will not see most respectable Black men denying their biracial kids (Seal!
    My hero)…

[quote]aussie486 wrote:
AdamC wrote:

But, i have to say, your rant does come across as the typically Australian subversively racist attitude.

Wow, that coming from a Englishman, LOL.


Well, look how you treat the Aboriginals fella. There’s just so much contempt for them.

I’m not saying we are perfect, far from it. I suppose it could be argued that that you guys tend to be more openly racist than us. People just seem to drop words like “wog” “slopehead” “abbo” like it’s nothing. This is in the workplace too where you just wouldn’t get away with it in the UK. It’s always a topic of conversation between Europeans who spend any amount of time in Oz. It seems to be the general opinion that Ozzys are quite racist. Sydney riots anyone?

the crunulla riots where started because a group of muslims attacked three life gaurds for no reason, now im not condoning the riots but it seemed there was alot of racial tension in the area before that and there was reports of young muslim males taunting non muslim women on the beaches

[quote]AdamC wrote:
Well, look how you treat the Aboriginals fella. There’s just so much contempt for them.

I’m not saying we are perfect, far from it. I suppose it could be argued that that you guys tend to be more openly racist than us. People just seem to drop words like “wog” “slopehead” “abbo” like it’s nothing. This is in the workplace too where you just wouldn’t get away with it in the UK. It’s always a topic of conversation between Europeans who spend any amount of time in Oz. It seems to be the general opinion that Ozzys are quite racist. Sydney riots anyone?

Oh come on. Over here at work they will be a bit more professional than call them Abos. They’ll refer to them as Spear Chuckers or the like. Actually, who am I kidding, I’ve never seen one in the work place. They’re still living of the Government because the evil White fella came in 200 years ago and found the most under developed race and society in the world. 4000 years before the Egyptions had built the Pyramids and these guys had yet to develop the wheel in 1788.

It is sad as they attempted to be brought up to speed with the rest of the world they got the speed wobbles and the wheels fell off with the invention of alcohol.

The news over here said that every single Abo camp in Australia had child molestation going on at a very high rate.

I found the Aussies to be way more tolerant than us Yanks. And Brits? Who the fuck are you to talk about racism? The Sydney riots were a one off. How about you guys and your soccer hooligans? That’s racism if I’ve ever seen it but you hide behind the excuse that it is over a game.

[quote]jtg987 wrote:
the crunulla riots where started because a group of muslims attacked three life gaurds for no reason, now im not condoning the riots but it seemed there was alot of racial tension in the area before that and there was reports of young muslim males taunting non muslim women on the beaches


I’ve been meaning to watch that Bra Boys doco.

[quote]De sleeplijn wrote:
Oh come on. Over here at work they will be a bit more professional than call them Abos. They’ll refer to them as Spear Chuckers or the like. Actually, who am I kidding, I’ve never seen one in the work place. They’re still living of the Government because the evil White fella came in 200 years ago and found the most under developed race and society in the world. 4000 years before the Egyptions had built the Pyramids and these guys had yet to develop the wheel in 1788.

It is sad as they attempted to be brought up to speed with the rest of the world they got the speed wobbles and the wheels fell off with the invention of alcohol.

The news over here said that every single Abo camp in Australia had child molestation going on at a very high rate.

I found the Aussies to be way more tolerant than us Yanks. And Brits? Who the fuck are you to talk about racism? The Sydney riots were a one off. How about you guys and your soccer hooligans? That’s racism if I’ve ever seen it but you hide behind the excuse that it is over a game. [/quote]

Hey now, Australia is the land of reconciliation, remember? And reconciliation has no place for hard facts or home truths either.

All hail the Australian guilt industry - probably the most profitable in the southern hemisphere.

[quote]Peter1968 wrote:
Hey now, Australia is the land of reconciliation, remember? And reconciliation has no place for hard facts or home truths either.

All hail the Australian guilt industry - probably the most profitable in the southern hemisphere.

Stealing a generation from places where kids get fucked by adults is not the worlds worst thing. But the Australian Government is still paying for it through the ass.

Let me tell you guys a thing I’ve witnessed re: the Indigenous Australian.

I was coming home from work once in Sydney on the train (Town Hall - Hurstville for those in the know) and across from where I was sitting, there was a number of US sailors, including an African-American.

A group of highly intoxicated Indigenous Australians got on the train at Redfern and proceeded to be their usual selves with the other passengers, i.e calling them names, getting violent and rowdy, and so forth.

Anyhow, it was only a matter of time before they saw the US servicemen and sure enough, out came the jokes about Yanks, how gay they looked in sailor uniforms etc.

Anyhow, one the Indigenous Australians saw the African-American and said (I kid you not). “It’s a real fucking nigger! Start break-dancing, ya c*nt!” This was a rich comment coming from a guy whose skin was darker than the American, but anyway…

Poor sailors, they were like, WTF? And when the Aboriginals got off the train, we were all apologising.

I’ll state right here that Aboriginals are the worst racists I’ve ever known of any people I’ve seen anywhere in the world. They have a real “us and them” issue with anyone - as I’m sure the average “gubba” Australian will tell you.

Yet, the government here and the nanny-state Greens are all sold on the idea that they’re responsible for every misfortune the Aboriginal suffers, now matter how self-inflicted it is. And 95% of their dramas are self-inflicted.

God helps those who help themselves, as they say, but that sentiment hasn’t reached the Aboriginal folk of my country yet. Mainly, as well-meaning liberals ensure that they are all sterilised with welfare benefits and positive discrimination.