It’s about time I made one of these. I started 3 or 4 years ago doing Starting Strength where I got quite a bit stronger and injured myself every couple of months. I basically became sick of having low back pain so I have been working out intermittently (putting it nicely) for the last couple of years.
I’ll try to video as much as possible and post to this account: com/user/CroatianRage
EDIT: to fix link. Connect the text to make it work or just search “croatianrage”
You can see a couple of my old squat videos on there and it’s not hard to figure out why my back always hurt.
Deads TM: 250
Dead 5/3/1
Farmers walks
Straight leg deads (will probably do some abs now that I think about it)
I’ll be cycling for conditioning as I’ve set personal goals for that this year as well. The goal is to do about 60-100 miles per week–whether that’s possible remains to be seen.
Age: 28
Height: 6’1"
Just weighed myself at 180. I’ve lost a lot of weight apparently.
I was 205 here:
Goals: To get stronger and address some postural issues I have. I am a chiropractor and having not so good posture is unacceptable–as is looking like a slob.
Actual goals: 315 front squat, then I’ll reassess to see whether I should introduce squats back into the programming. 3000 miles on the bike by Sep 26 (I think). 405 deadlift.
Im a similar hight and weight to you, and I also ride a bike. Ive also had my fair share of lower back issues. And plus I have Croat heritage as well. Twins!
What bike do you have?? Do you ride by yourself?
Are you avoiding back squats because it irritates your back?
Im a similar hight and weight to you, and I also ride a bike. Ive also had my fair share of lower back issues. And plus I have Croat heritage as well. Twins!
What bike do you have?? Do you ride by yourself?
Are you avoiding back squats because it irritates your back?
What is your diet like?
I have a Trek Pilot 2.0 (I think). It’s their racing bike with relaxed geometry and I’ve heard it called an “old man” bike. I haven’t actually ridden since I started this log. Mostly when I ride it is by myself.
Back squats did irritate my back. Rippetoe style squats added something like 150 pounds to my 5RM in a little over a year, but the style doesn’t fit my body’s shape. I have a long torso a relatively short legs and I believe I need a more upright squat. Once I get my front squat to 315 I’ll experiment with high bar.
My diet is iffy right now (quality wise). I’ve recently made the decision that once we eat through the rest of our bread and whatnot we’re going gluten free. I’m of the mindset that if you eat real food then it’s hard to overeat. The only thing I do with real consistency is breakfast is almost always 4 eggs and rice doused with Red Hot. If I start getting fat I cut it back and if I feel weak I add more calories. As for meal frequency I typically eat 2-3 large meals per day. I supplement quite a bit to test out nutrition for my patients. Currently I take 4 Omega-3 caps, 2 CLA, 4 multi, 2 probiotic, 6 candicide (anti-fungal gut), and 3 ZMA per day. Honestly I think the candicide and probiotics are kind of a waste at the moment because I haven’t addressed any of my actual gut issues yet. Kind of like throwing a bandaid on a bullet wound. We’ll see after several months of gluten free.
I’ve been plagued with tweaking my low back and jumping back into programs too hard and too fast. I think where I’m starting with 5/3/1 right now will help me groove in my form at lower weights. I’m trying to record all my highest work sets to give me honest input.
That’s all I have for right now. If anything doesn’t make sense it’s because I’ve had a substantial amount of gin tonight. Nice to have a follower already though! Let me know if you have any more questions.
I’ve been carrying 50 lbs of sand in my old AF duffle bag for about a half mile when we walk our dog at night. I need to find a better bag because this one makes my arms go numb after a while and it sits too low on my back. Other than that it’s not too bad. I’m also going to start looking for kegs soon. My GF finishes her first cycle of 5/3/1 tomorrow and I’m very proud of her.