Rack Pulls: How Low below the Knees??

I got a question about rack pulls. When I do them I line the safety bars up just below my kneecaps, at the second pin hole from the bottom. When I bend my knees slightly, the bars are at knee level. Just wondering, should I lower it even more?? to the first pin hole??

I like to do them from a couple inches below the knee.

I like to set them to where my deadlifts seem to stick, its changed a few times as the weight has gone up currently I like them just even with the bottom of my knee.

If you stand straight up, the bar should touch where the top of your shin bone and bottom of the patella. Er, at least that’s where I start em.

There’s no right answer. It depends on what feels best to you and what your goals are.

If you’re doing them in order to improve your deadlift (as opposed to using them for upper back growth) then put the bar where your sticking point is.

I like them right at the knee cap when I’m in position to start the lift. Going for back development.

how tall are you and what is your reasoning for doing rack pulls. look at that and then determine the neight of when you should start.

is it just to work on your lock out or start for your DL or just to destroy your upper back?

what would you guys think about gradually increasing the range for rack pulls to help increase your dl? say start at thigh level and every week lower it a few inches or more??? would this work or would it get to a point where you you have to delay lowering the pins because you just cant pull from any lower position?

ive thought about using a weight that is 10-25lbs over my max dl and then slowly doing this process until i can pull it from the floor…any thoughts?

[quote]vlandsponger wrote:
what would you guys think about gradually increasing the range for rack pulls to help increase your dl? say start at thigh level and every week lower it a few inches or more??? would this work or would it get to a point where you you have to delay lowering the pins because you just cant pull from any lower position?

ive thought about using a weight that is 10-25lbs over my max dl and then slowly doing this process until i can pull it from the floor…any thoughts?[/quote]

Sounds pretty feasible. But if I were to do this, I’d probably drop the weight a little as I go lower and finally when I pull from the floor I’d have maybe 10-15lbs over my previous best. My reasoning is that my rack pull is alot more then 25lbs over my dl.

[quote]vlandsponger wrote:
what would you guys think about gradually increasing the range for rack pulls to help increase your dl? say start at thigh level and every week lower it a few inches or more??? would this work or would it get to a point where you you have to delay lowering the pins because you just cant pull from any lower position?

ive thought about using a weight that is 10-25lbs over my max dl and then slowly doing this process until i can pull it from the floor…any thoughts?[/quote]

I’m pretty sure I’ve read a program like that in an article over here. Don’t remember the name, but I think it might be increase your deadlift by 10% or something like that.

Depends why you are doing them. For training the upper back I’d say just below the knee.

If you’re doing them to strengthen your lockout for your deadlift, I don’t like them. The position you will pull from a lockout will be different than the position you’d be in if you pulled from the ground. The only time I train from the rack is when I have an 18" DL in contest, and I’ve never found this to have much carryover.

If you want to train your lockout in the right position, try using some kind of accomidating resistance. I really like reverse band pulls, the feel is very natural but they really overload the top portion of your deadlift.

[quote]shoo wrote:
vlandsponger wrote:
what would you guys think about gradually increasing the range for rack pulls to help increase your dl? say start at thigh level and every week lower it a few inches or more??? would this work or would it get to a point where you you have to delay lowering the pins because you just cant pull from any lower position?

ive thought about using a weight that is 10-25lbs over my max dl and then slowly doing this process until i can pull it from the floor…any thoughts?

I’m pretty sure I’ve read a program like that in an article over here. Don’t remember the name, but I think it might be increase your deadlift by 10% or something like that.[/quote]

I believe it’s called supramaximal training but I’m too lazy to search for the article about it, don’t quote me on that though.