Any takers…???
I’m in! Oh wait, I’d have to lose weight to get down to 300, which I need to do anyway.
How about a SHREDDED 240?
Damn, thats a hyooge bitch
160 lbs. to go!
Im in. Actually i dont want to get higher than 275 for a little while. so i guess im not in.
Just kidding…i am on my way back down from 265, @253 now trying to be a ripped 240- I wonder though- how many 300lbers do we have on the forum?
Goldberg- I hear ya-Id like to lift in the 242s this winter but damn its gonna be hard to be that light and strong at the same time. Im sick of lifting in 275 because ill go look at the flights and im opening with 405 and some other dude is opening up at 580!
Hat that shit!
I’m in!!!
Ah, kidding. But wouldn’t that be scary?!
Goldberg, I think you’d make a nice, rugged 308.
Give me some time and I’ll let you know if my tall ass is in. Not sure how the weight’s going to go on yet.
Give me about five years. I’d like to total elite at 242 or 275 first.
Yes Pat. Shivers You could roll around at your strongman comps.
what is considered an elite total @ 242, 275?
Gabe, go to, and go under their articles. Then click on the button for “elite fts articles”. Near the buttom, their should be one named “What is elite?” PM me if you can’t find it.
Thanks bro