Quick Question

due to my schedule (18 credit hours…ugh) I can only lift during the morning, and I also have started taking judo Tue, Thurs, and Sat. I lift M-W-F, whole body training split. I do almost all compounds, and my only goal is to slightly increase strength, size, and focus more on judo. Here’s my program:

I alternate between workout A and B, superset everything. A is 3x15, and B is 3x6.
BB bench–>BB row
Front Squat–>sumo deadlift
Shoulder press
DB tricep Extension–>preacher curl

Back Squat–>deadlift
weighted dips–>weighted Chins
Incline bench
EZ bar curl–>skull-crushers

I’m really spent whenever I superset the deadlifts and squats. Given the recent info. on front squats, should I just have front squats be at 3x6, deadlifts at 3x15, and than switch the rep scheme along with variations of the exercises?

Should I drop the squat, deadlift superset altogether?

Any critques or suggestions are also welcome. Thanks!

Just an idea, but simply alternate doing one or the other?

A lot of people, myself included, don’t really like to combine squats and deadlifts in a workout.

If you really want to do some type of superset, alternate squats and deads on different workout days and then add in a “bonus” lift for some part you think may be lagging.

yeah drop that superset. I dont see any single leg work there. Drop the deadlifts in favor of single leg deadlifts. 15 reps is too high, keep the high reps between 8 and 10. You could superset more efficiently if you go: upper body push w/ lower body pull, uppper body pull w/ lower body push.

alrite, thanks guys! I already alternate between the two of them…I’ll bring the reps down to 3x10 instead of 15, and I’ll separate squats and deads. Would A better one be lunges supersetted with squats, and step ups supersetted wtih deads?

[quote]dreads989 wrote:
alrite, thanks guys! I already alternate between the two of them…I’ll bring the reps down to 3x10 instead of 15, and I’ll separate squats and deads. Would A better one be lunges supersetted with squats, and step ups supersetted wtih deads?[/quote]

Your ideas on supersetting are off. You don’t superset exercises w/ the same muscle group. Read what i said again. Either do it like that or use agonist/antagonist pairings, which apply to upper body, not lower.

my bad. but i thought that deadlifts primarly worked the posterior chain, and focus could still be put on the quads?

[quote]dreads989 wrote:
my bad. but i thought that deadlifts primarly worked the posterior chain, and focus could still be put on the quads?[/quote]

DL’s do primarily work the post. chain, but the quads as well. Do one of the supersets i described above or read up on them in an author’s program on here.