Question for Nate Dogg

I was wondering if there was any reason you use seated rows as opposed to barbell rows? Also, what do ya do for abs pre-workout?

Due to shoulder injuries, I wanted to start with something that would allow me to keep better form. As I sometimes get sloppy with barbell rows. Now that I’m doing better, and getting stronger, I will switch to barbell rows. I’ll be using them as one of my main exercises on Charles Staley’s Convergent Phase Training. Instead of using the squat, bench and pull-up, I’ve decided to use barbell row, deadlifts and dips. I also made minor changes to some of the other exercises on that program. So yes, I will use barbell rows in the near future. The seated rows just allowed me to keep good form and work through injuries.

As for abs, I do a variety of exercises each workout. I usually do something for lower abs (hanging leg raises), then obliques (side raises or standing with a dumbbell in one hand and bend to the side), and upper abs (various crunches or crunch machines). I do 2-3 sets of each for 8-15 reps. When I do sprints, I warm up with pushups and various ab exercises (crunches, leg raises, etc) emphasizing more reps.