Question for Dr. Ryan Smith et al-Lower Abdominal Pain

Almost everytime I do an activity such as rugby or GPP, I get a pain in the lower left region of my abdominal, just above and to the left of the groin region. It does not happen from extreme exertion with weight lifting (ab work, power cleans, squats, deads, etc.) It almost feels like a pulled muscle, but it goes away after a few days. This has been happening for about 6 months now. Any insights? Thank you.

I need a little more info with regards to the location of your symptoms.

Stand up, then flex your thigh up to a 90 degree angle. There should be a line running from your pelvic bone down and in toward your package (the technical word). Where are your symptoms in relation to this line?

Also, what do you do for GPP?

I would guess it may be either a hip flexor or hip adductor causing the problem, however, more info is needed.

Take care,


Its just inside that line. It does not hurt, however, when I move a single leg, but does when i lift both of them (reverse curl) or lift my abdomen towards my waist (curl).

Any suggestions or ideas?