Deload if you need it, don’t if you don’t. Worst case scenario, you take it slow for a week and lose 0 progress.
Sounds solid to me. Nothing crazy or groundbreaking - so everything is as it should be.
Only if you need it to be a week. Chances are that you don’t actually need a deload. When folks need a deload - they tend to KNOW they need a deload, because their whole body feels worn the fuck out. If this isn’t you, then it probably doesn’t apply. Still, whether needed or not, the mental reprieve can be nice and is not very costly.
Recomping is a hot subject with lots of opinions, most of which are going to be based on the experiences of the individual speaking on it. It can work well for those who are untrained/detrained, over-fat, or have just started taking AAS - but only for a short period. Just know when to recognize that you are not progressing, and adjust accordingly.