This is an excerpt from the article linked below its interesting to see someone try to quantify just what the physical edge steroid use gives in baseball.
“Baseball players use steroids to help build muscle even though the drug can cause acne, enlarged breasts and shrunken testicles, leading to infertility. Roger Tobin, a physicist at Tufts University in Boston, estimated recently that baseball players hit 50 per cent more home runs by boosting their muscle mass with steroids by 10 per cent. He calculated that 10 per cent more muscle mass would let a player swing about five per cent faster, increasing the ball�??s speed by four per cent as it leaves the bat”.
anyone see the new list that MLB inestigation put out today?
how do they expect professional athlete’s to score more goals and get more homeruns without taking something?
the bigger, the stronger, the faster the better, thats what i want to see on tv
So, what are all the barry bonds haters going to do? The witch hunt turned up tons of users (and missed tons of others) and we got this old idiot asking that NO punishment be levied. Where was this dude when barry was in the crosshairs? Looks like the favorite top names were implicated and someone don't like it. But, if you're going to throw bonds to the wolves, you have to throw all the names appearing on this list to those same wolves.
Naturally, we're going to have idiots say that it'll ruin baseball if they over-penalize the big names. Tough. They knew the risks. I also don't want to hear how the fans demand so the players have to give in. If this is the case, it means all of our best are chemically-enhanced frauds. When we have mandatory random testing we will see players dropping 50lbs+ in bodyweight, but guess what...the really good ones, their game stats won't hardly suffer at all. Why does a pitcher need to be 230lbs? Deca...I understand for the joint benefits, and winstrol too. Sustanon? d-bol? Why does a pitcher need them? Let's get real- maybe they are trying to look like their action figures.
Looks like there are going to be a hell of a lot of asterisks going into the hall of fame.I personally hope they rake these fools over the coals; this isn't going to go away...heads WILL roll to make an example.
Curious how nobody is hating on these newly released names like they did on barry...strange indeed. =)
[quote]JamFly wrote:
This is an excerpt from the article linked below its interesting to see someone try to quantify just what the physical edge steroid use gives in baseball.
“Baseball players use steroids to help build muscle even though the drug can cause acne, enlarged breasts and shrunken testicles, leading to infertility. Roger Tobin, a physicist at Tufts University in Boston, estimated recently that baseball players hit 50 per cent more home runs by boosting their muscle mass with steroids by 10 per cent. He calculated that 10 per cent more muscle mass would let a player swing about five per cent faster, increasing the ball�??s speed by four per cent as it leaves the bat”.
Aren’t 90% of percentages bullshit anyway? Why is it steroids get this evil stigma about them but pot is ok?
Its all steamrolled bullshit. Pat yourself on the back MLB, you just released names according to a clubhouse employee.And if the Feds hadnt come across Radomski in the BALCO investigation, Mitchell woulnd have shit. All this is in the past anyway.
Wow so supposedly so-and-so took test and deca BEFORE the drug testing. So he did nothing wrong by MLB standards-at the time. And if he didnt obtain it legally through his doc and got it through this Radomski guy, they dont have anything on him legally either. Guys take HGH to heal so they can play. Testing with penalties started in 04 so if they havent failed a test( ie Bonds) then shut up. Its nothing new.
I call bullshit on the doc that comes up with a percentage of increase in homeruns becaus of 10% of muscle. There is no way to accurately do that. Sure stronger and bigger muscles make you swing faster but each play is so different there is no way to make that blanket statement. Its all PR because so they can say they did it. Oh yeah. Where is Rafael Palmiero in all of this? His name wasnt mentioned at all.
No one ever seems to mention that steriods improve muscle mass AND they improve the functioning of the motor nerves, thus improving neuromuscular coordination. That is why it is so appealing to baseball players, not the extra muscle but the ability to use the muscles you do have even better. That is why pitchers and others are using them.
there was an article on here a while ago about how the author thought that steroid use was a moral problem not physical, I would have to agree, and I’m sure most of the people who replied above would as well…
That being said I laughed at my parents today when they were talking to me about the article and they informed me that steroids are nothing but evil, make your heart grow and explode! I also gave my old man my copy of practical programing, where Rippetoe explains that heavy lifting will increase the size of the left ventricle we will see the reaction
as far as what the kids will do… shit that’s not the problem of pro athletes it seems that parents aren’t responsible for jack these days