if you just want some soreness ive got a sure remedy for you from the military, MONKEY FUCKERS! When your done with your workout bend down, grab your ankles and sit your ass on your heels, stand and repeat for three minutes at a fast pace. You will thank the marines in the morning.
[quote]sasquatch wrote:
jsbrook wrote:
I’m a relative beginner, so I’m more asking than telling. But isn’t 3 times per week too often to work legs? Maybe you’re not recovering between workouts and hence not able to build muscle. Most of the time I’ve spent lifting has been with a HIT program. Now, I’m essentially doing each bodypart once per week, hitting it really hard each time. I started a bulk and am having good gains so far, especially in my legs. Much of it is getting my diet and training in gear. But, with legs in particular, I think 3x per week was bad for me. I never felt sore either, but I don’t think I was recovering. I experienced strength gains in other muscles if no real mass gains. (I wasn’t eating to gain mass). But my legs were largely stuck and barely even got stronger. Since I’ve started training them less frequently, I’ve been sore, and more importantly getting good strength and mass gains.
You are right—and wrong!
Actually I believe it was MR who suggested three times a week for beginners and squats was an excellent program. Pardon me sir, if I have stated that incorrectly.
Now it becomes a question of volume. You obviously can’t do 20 sets on each MOnday., Wed, Friday, but you can and should, squat as often as possible.
Now MR can explain it better than I, so you may want to go to Prime Time T-Nation when Mr.Robertson is available and ask him all the hows and whys. But lifting only once per week per bodypart is an old school way of lifting. Doesn’t make it wrong, just new studies would say more benefit can be gained by lifting bodyparts with as little rest between as possible to fully recover.
Your gains are probably from new stimuli. That’s great. Your next program should be more times per week to really mix it up[/quote]
Thanks. I’ll make sure and catch him one of the Prime Times. I was planning to do Christian Thibadeau’s OVT when I switched things up. It also trains one body part per week. Maybe I will look into TBT instead. I was reading the article. It looked very effective.
[quote]Keith Wassung wrote:
High Rep Non-Lock Squats.
Squat Twice a week
Workout One
Full squats that are stopped about 3 inches short of lockout-no hesitation go back down.
Do sets of 20 reps-on the 12th rep, lock the weight out and take a very fast break (3 seconds) and then complete the rest of the reps.
start with 2 sets and work up to 5 sets.
Not much weight is needed-these are NOT, 20 rep “breathing squats”
Workout Two
Front Squats 5x6-10 reps, on the tenth rep, rack the weight and immediately put the bar on your back and do a set of full squats with the same weight.
You can use the same weight or do some sort of pyramid, reverse or otherwise, but you need to strive to increase your workload each training session.
Report Back on Labor Day
I have tried both of these exercises after reading them in an old post of yours. These are really hard and should definitely induce some hypertrophy. Forget the leg extension pre-exhaust crap, give the front squat/back squat superset as he describes a try and you should hurt real bad. The non locked back squats are good too, but I have never done them for twenty reps.Ouch