Hi guys, can anyone recommend some good exercises that can isolate and help build back up my wasted right leg?
I had several operations over the last few years on my kneecap, resulting in it being removed completely about 9 months ago.
I’ve tried using a leg-extension machine but that’s a definite no-no, as it puts so much stress on the joint that things start to crunch a bit.
Obviously they’d have to be exercises where I can start off very very light - I can barely move a 20Ib plate on the leg extension!!!
split squats, lunges, and step ups.
Three excellent suggestions. Those are relatively easy to do, since you have 2 feet on the ground most/all of the time. A more difficult exercise would be single leg squats with dumbbells in hand (or just bodyweight). You can progress to these in the future.
Avoid the leg extension machine for now. I’ve heard of it used in some rehab situations, but even then it’s generally only the top half or top third of the movement. There are better options.
I’d switch your focus from muscle-building to regaining full mobility. Once that’s done, then we can rebuild the muscle even more efficiently.
Definitely start with bodyweight-only exercises until you have full ROM in all exercises. Squats, lunges, step-ups, and 1-leg deadlifts would be the best bets to start with.
Does your physical therapist have any particular suggestions/warnings/recommendations?
Thanks guys!
Sadly the 10 minutes of physio I had after the op. was terrible, given to me by a morbidly obese nurse that smelled of vomit. Suffice to say, I gave up on the good old NHS (the UK health service) and tried to go it alone.