QOTW New Years's Eve 2008

I know I usually do these in the T-Cell, but I thought posting it here would allow more responses.

[quote]I’m sending this to you knowing that you probably haven’t gone the way of most of the people I’ve been observing on this forum. Specifically on the Sex and the Male Animal threads. What is going wrong with these people? Anything said by Sickabz or FormerlyTex- would prove to be a prime example of the slippery slope is seems all men are headed?

I’m sure you’ve seen some of these threads that give you the line of though I’m writing about in some perturbed confusion and disappointment. The Beyonce one, the Muscular Legs one. Even the Ass Worship and You Got Curves thread seem to be slowly going out of fashion.

The women! What happened to women like we’re supposed to like them. Curvy, round with hills slopes and mounds, healthy, not gaunt and not fat. I’m sick of reading posts about these men calling some perfect examples of womanly beauty and illustrative inculpable figures of these divine feminines FAT or disgusting or nasty. What happened!? What is wrong with this? I don’t just see it here, I see it all over where I am. Hopefully it’s a new trend and not something in the water. Hopefully this is some subtle hysteria manifesting itself in the weak willed and weak minded. Preference is one thing, preference is fine and natural and I would respect that, but what I see is forced and zealous opinion, belief, and a strongly inflexible attraction and that makes me think something is slowly going awry as these changes seem to not be limited to all things which rush blood to our loins. I’m slowly beginning to see the metrosexual pretty boy’s come back into style and standard. But maybe this is all just me.

Am I alone on this one? Or does it seem that the so-called T-Men on here need a smack upside the head, to get them reoriented? Or maybe this seventeen year old is looking backwards while everyone is going forwards. [/quote]

I think someone (not me) needs to write a manifesto.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
I know I usually do these in the T-Cell, but I thought posting it here would allow more responses.

I’m sending this to you knowing that you probably haven’t gone the way of most of the people I’ve been observing on this forum. Specifically on the Sex and the Male Animal threads. What is going wrong with these people? Anything said by Sickabz or FormerlyTex- would prove to be a prime example of the slippery slope is seems all men are headed?

I’m sure you’ve seen some of these threads that give you the line of though I’m writing about in some perturbed confusion and disappointment. The Beyonce one, the Muscular Legs one. Even the Ass Worship and You Got Curves thread seem to be slowly going out of fashion.

The women! What happened to women like we’re supposed to like them. Curvy, round with hills slopes and mounds, healthy, not gaunt and not fat. I’m sick of reading posts about these men calling some perfect examples of womanly beauty and illustrative inculpable figures of these divine feminines FAT or disgusting or nasty. What happened!? What is wrong with this? I don’t just see it here, I see it all over where I am. Hopefully it’s a new trend and not something in the water. Hopefully this is some subtle hysteria manifesting itself in the weak willed and weak minded. Preference is one thing, preference is fine and natural and I would respect that, but what I see is forced and zealous opinion, belief, and a strongly inflexible attraction and that makes me think something is slowly going awry as these changes seem to not be limited to all things which rush blood to our loins. I’m slowly beginning to see the metrosexual pretty boy’s come back into style and standard. But maybe this is all just me.

Am I alone on this one? Or does it seem that the so-called T-Men on here need a smack upside the head, to get them reoriented? Or maybe this seventeen year old is looking backwards while everyone is going forwards.


Just to respond directly, many of the guys here seem ready to hand their balls over to a girl just so they can get laid. That is the only explanation I can think of for living your life as if you are trying to be all things to all women.

All women do not think alike, even if they act like it when in large groups with their friends. If you are making yourself into some kind of Backstreet Boy clone just to get laid, you may end up losing yourself as a result.

A man is going to do what makes him happy and allows him to reach his own life goals. My personal goals are not based on whether it makes me sexy. That isn’t why I went to school. I like attention like the next guy, but some hoe I’ve never met is not what gets me up in the morning and in the gym. While I have yet to meet all of these women who hate muscles, and that attention is an added benefit (no doubt), if that is your sole reason for why you are who you are, you are one sad excuse for a man.

As far as people finding Beyonce “FAT”, that is just stupidity at work.

i feel that a lot peopple in general are brainwashed by what the media and celebrities tell them and that they are selling this image of what an attractive person is supposed to look like. it’s come to the point of absurdity and some weird type of group image lifestyle cult in order to be happy with yourself and life in general.

I still can’t believe people think Beyonce’s fat.

The dudes that say that must like the women who look their stick legs are tied to their pelvis with string.


media + marketing = individuals to beleive as whole that this is what i am to beleive is “attractive” to the opposite sex.

[quote]Rat Poison wrote:
i feel that a lot peopple in general are brainwashed by what the media and celebrities tell them and that they are selling this image of what an attractive person is supposed to look like. it’s come to the point of absurdity and some weird type of group image lifestyle cult in order to be happy with yourself and life in general.


But even some of the authors here are promoting that to these younger guys and some of them are in their 40’s.

I don’t think it is a good thing that an entire generation seems to be acting like the most important thing about them is some super-idealized concept of how they look that most can only achieve through plastic surgery, make-up (FOR MEN?) and some weird attempt at being a low budget model with sticks for arms who raises his shirt 50 times a day so everyone can see his abs.

300 dollar skinny jeans and the ability to fit into them seems to be the top goal in life of most of these people.

That’s pretty fucking pathetic.

There was a kid at my gym a few days ago doing that. He came in apparently to ONLY do abs. He would do leg raises from the pull up bar (because it is in the center of the gym so he can be seen better) and then run all of the way to the mirror (about 30 feet away) to raise his shirt up. He did this about 5 times and then left.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Professor X wrote:
I know I usually do these in the T-Cell, but I thought posting it here would allow more responses.

I’m sending this to you knowing that you probably haven’t gone the way of most of the people I’ve been observing on this forum. Specifically on the Sex and the Male Animal threads. What is going wrong with these people? Anything said by Sickabz or FormerlyTex- would prove to be a prime example of the slippery slope is seems all men are headed?

I’m sure you’ve seen some of these threads that give you the line of though I’m writing about in some perturbed confusion and disappointment. The Beyonce one, the Muscular Legs one. Even the Ass Worship and You Got Curves thread seem to be slowly going out of fashion.

The women! What happened to women like we’re supposed to like them. Curvy, round with hills slopes and mounds, healthy, not gaunt and not fat. I’m sick of reading posts about these men calling some perfect examples of womanly beauty and illustrative inculpable figures of these divine feminines FAT or disgusting or nasty. What happened!? What is wrong with this? I don’t just see it here, I see it all over where I am. Hopefully it’s a new trend and not something in the water. Hopefully this is some subtle hysteria manifesting itself in the weak willed and weak minded. Preference is one thing, preference is fine and natural and I would respect that, but what I see is forced and zealous opinion, belief, and a strongly inflexible attraction and that makes me think something is slowly going awry as these changes seem to not be limited to all things which rush blood to our loins. I’m slowly beginning to see the metrosexual pretty boy’s come back into style and standard. But maybe this is all just me.

Am I alone on this one? Or does it seem that the so-called T-Men on here need a smack upside the head, to get them reoriented? Or maybe this seventeen year old is looking backwards while everyone is going forwards.

Just to respond directly, many of the guys here seem ready to hand their balls over to a girl just so they can get laid. That is the only explanation I can think of for living your life as if you are trying to be all things to all women.

All women do not think alike, even if they act like it when in large groups with their friends. If you are making yourself into some kind of Backstreet Boy clone just to get laid, you may end up losing yourself as a result.

A man is going to do what makes him happy and allows him to reach his own life goals. My personal goals are not based on whether it makes me sexy. That isn’t why I went to school. I like attention like the next guy, but some hoe I’ve never met is not what gets me up in the morning and in the gym. While I have yet to meet all of these women who hate muscles, and that attention is an added benefit (no doubt), if that is your sole reason for why you are who you are, you are one sad excuse for a man.

As far as people finding Beyonce “FAT”, that is just stupidity at work.[/quote]

I feel like some people think their life is like a reality show and say things for their shock value. When people hold on to things like material goods and the hold they have over people, they end up with nothing. To pick apart Beyonce or any other person is a waste of time. Just say they are not your cup of tea, period.

I post alot in GAL or SAMA, but I don’t take negative comments or narrow thinking to heart. Everybody has their way of thinking for a reason and I will never be able to change it or figure out why. End of random thoughts. (^:

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
I still can’t believe people think Beyonce’s fat.

The dudes that say that must like the women who look their stick legs are tied to their pelvis with string.


And how many would pass her (or anything else) up???

[quote]tootles27 wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
I still can’t believe people think Beyonce’s fat.

The dudes that say that must like the women who look their stick legs are tied to their pelvis with string.


And how many would pass her (or anything else) up???[/quote]

Looking at some of those comments most of them would… because she’s FAT.

idk wtf yall are talking about, i love a chick with big titties.

I like Beyonce.

I would never wear make-up or pose my abs.

I would write more, but I have to run home as apparently my siding is being blown off my house by a fucking wind storm.

The culture is pathologically narcissistic.

You also had a present father who showed you how to be a man. This is increasingly rare these days.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
tootles27 wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
I still can’t believe people think Beyonce’s fat.

The dudes that say that must like the women who look their stick legs are tied to their pelvis with string.


And how many would pass her (or anything else) up???

Looking at some of those comments most of them would… because she’s FAT.[/quote]

I thought it was because there are a thousand much, much hotter looking woman falling at their feet.

[quote]sen say wrote:
I like Beyonce.

I would never wear make-up or pose my abs.

I would write more, but I have to run home as apparently my siding is being blown off my house by a fucking wind storm.

haha, where is MD are you from? the wind is crazy out today

[quote]PRCalDude wrote:
That’s pretty fucking pathetic.

The culture is pathologically narcissistic.

You also had a present father who showed you how to be a man. This is increasingly rare these days. [/quote]

I do get what you are saying though, but this current extreme attempt to be a Ken Doll can’t possibly be the result of fathers not being present. There are thousands of men who grew up in the 60’s and 70’s who would beg to differ with that conclusion.

I personally think it has more to do with the advancement of media as a whole. From Youtube to MTV, everywhere you turn there are nothing but ads and glamorized videos making it seem as if life is supposed to be like “Brody’s Bromance” or a day out with Paris Hilton.

It seems like guys today are basing WHO and WHAT they are on the whims of teenaged girls who, as most of us know, change their mind significantly once they aren’t teenagers anymore.

[quote]Christine wrote:
Professor X wrote:
tootles27 wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
I still can’t believe people think Beyonce’s fat.

The dudes that say that must like the women who look their stick legs are tied to their pelvis with string.


And how many would pass her (or anything else) up???

Looking at some of those comments most of them would… because she’s FAT.

I thought it was because there are a thousand much, much hotter looking woman falling at their feet.[/quote]

Ah, yes, the millions of “professional models” and cheerleaders that only a six pack can bring.

you have to keep in mind; teenage girls are fuckin hot and get nasty. but at the same time you can be like SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DIRTY CUNT AND GET ME A BEER they will have no choice but to obey.

it seems to me people are afraid to be individuals or independtly think for themselves becuase they are afraid of negative feedback from peers. it’s like they never left high school and now look t.v. and the media in general to learn how to fit in. but guess what when you get older you realize nobody gives a shit and you should be yourself.

This is the problem when people realize that nobody cares about your image or who you are and you should be yourself they won’t be able to because they have been living their life playing follow the leader.

[quote]Professor X wrote:

The women! What happened to women like we’re supposed to like them.


and who exactly is to say what we are “supposed” to like?

the whole post just seems like someone complaining that people have differing opinions on what is attractive…in both women, and how other men choose to present themselves. oh noes, some guy doesnt care about weightlifting and squeezes into tight “faggot” jeans - THE WORLD IS ENDING!! ‘REAL’ MEN ARE DISAPPEARING!!

people said the same thing about hippies with long “girl” hair 40+ years ago.