Ql or Erector Spinae Bad Pain? Help?

Hey guys. I really don’t know we’re to go now. About 5 months ago I did some heavy squats that where beyond my capability. Whilst I manage to do the rep I don’t think my core and back were strong enough. Sure enough I was so sore the day after. I have never really managed to shift the pain since. I have been to chiros (useless) and I’m with a physio now who I have had 6 sessions with. She can’t actually nail we’re the pain is coming from, either my ql or erector spinae. When I press my trigger points it feels like it’s in my ql area or the edge of my erectors. But it mainly hurts when I sneeze, or bend down/slouch or straighten my spine up. Doesnt really hurt twisting etc.

I try and sit with good posture now which eases the pain, however it’s stil there. I have been using foam rolling and self Myofascial realise so a while now and it doesn’t seem to help. It actually makes the area really sore after, as most say you should feel it getting better as your muscles loose. So few questions here;

Should I Strenghten the area or keep resting it?

How long does it take to ease off a really tight muscle/trigger points?

When she massage it there’s a awful type ridge/clicking that’s in the area that you can feel right we’re the pain is coming from, what could that be, possibly fascia adhesion?

Many thanks, mike

Also, can I keep the training other areas, as I have gained a lot (for me) over the last 6 months prior to the injury I don’t want to loose it all.

Finally question, how often to do you release your muscles with a ball? What is considered to be too much? And for how long?


You might need to go to a doctor and get some imaging done. I’m not sure which test would be the best for showing whatever needs to be seen but a doctor should know.

I wish I knew how long it took to get a tight muscle to relax. I’ve been battling the same problem around my left hip for a year. To date the best relief has come from my chiropractor performing ART and graston massage.

I keep training when I’m injured. First I try the “if it hurts then don’t do it” approach but if rest doesn’t do the trick then I start using the muscle/joint again with light weight just to get some blood flow. Progress in whatever way you can.

How do you feel first thing in the morning, after rest? Any pain coughing or sneezing?

I have pain when sneezing. Not sure much coughing.

It’s usuallt pretty stiff in a morning. I’m down for a mri in about 6 weeks on the health service, but I’m thinking it might be a compressed disc now, as I do get some sharp pains.

I’m still trying to keep active but then don’t want to set myself back s just taking it steady


It’s a disc. Pain sneezing (Valsalva), which I missed on your initial post, sorry, and increased stiffness/discomfort with rest are textbook signs. Your erectors are tight because your body is trying to protect itself, they can rub them all they want, it does feel good, but it won’t fix anything. Obviously, without the benefit of a proper examination it is impossible to say, but you do want to stay as active as possible within the parameters of your pain.

Thank you for your help. I am convinced you are correct. Over the last 3-4 days I have been practicing some yoga stretches recommended for a compressed disc and feel the pain has decreased a little today. It’s still there but it has improved over what it has been. It’s strange how it all works together isn’t it, like a domino effect really. It’s frustrating having to wait so long for a mri but least I know a little more now and how to work with it. How do you feel about running? Been high impact would it do more damage? Thank you for your help :+1:t2:

I wouldn’t run. I’d avoid flexing, too. You probably leaned forward and raised your hips during your squats, rounding into flexion. Do extension movements.