Pyschology of weight training

As of late, I have come to theorize that the most imperitive peice of the training puzzle is the ability to mentally will yourself through training lows, and overcome previously unattainable goals. Any thoughts or discrepencies?

Robusto - again “Human will is the indefensible” - I agree with your concept. In faith, Coach Davies

I agree, “a mans reach should exceed his grasp or whats a heaven for” I think ee cummings. although I do not believe in goals I agree with your overall opinion. peace

Don’t believe in goals? why so, just curious…

I said this on another thread so those that already told me how they dissagree with me, we’ll just agree to dissagree. I think they are self imposed limits. I think a “goal” should be to do the best you can at all times. if I go to the gym for example with a goal of deadlifting 585x6 a couple of things can happen, I can get it and be happy, I can only get 5 and feel like I let myself down, I can get it but after putting it down feel like I let myself down because I could have gotten more, etc… but if I am just giveing all out effort to do my best there is never any reason to feel bad. if I just do it as many times as possible (be it 4,5,6,7,…) I KNOW I gave it my all and I can allways feel pride in that. I think goals are one of the reasons that people yo-yo diet. they set a goal, sometimes they get there sometimes they come close, but after getting there they tend to slack off because they “reached their goal”. what if their goal was to do their best (and I do not mean the half hearted best most people do) and they had no “destination” set? I don’t think there is any real limit to what someone can do, I think we put the limits on ourselves. hope you understand what I mean. peace

thanks for the clarification, I can sort of understand that idealogy, many of my friends fall into the niche you described to a T. Without goals I personally lose complete and total drive to attain loftier heights. I guess it is a better assumption to say that people in general are victim to the philosophies they subscribe to.

Agree, then one must take what he/she has learned from that puzzle piece and apply it to all pursuits in life, whatever they may be…