The pyschology of the iron game

Let’s face it, there’s a lot of psychological goings-on in this ‘hobby’ we all share. It comes in many forms and when chasing many goals - strength, size, definition, etc… personally it’s not usually a issue. But there comes times when it naws at me until I feel the need to do something rash. For example, right now I’m at the half way point of a cutting cycle. Now, it’s great to see the definition coming back, but there’s no getting away from the fact that (despite my best efforts) I’m starting to drop ‘hard-earned’ muscle, and that is ‘nearly’ unacceptable. I just can’t stand the thought of being small again, cut or not. It’s got me thinking of Vitamin T, sourcing syringes, clomid, etc… and all manner of things I’m not really prepared to ‘play’ with just yet. My point is that the psychological aspect of lifting is very real, and it can be very influential and challenging at times. Of course this influence, when dealt with in the correct way, can be positive. It’s all a matter of how we each deal with the situation. I’m sure I’m not the only one to grapple with this issue. Anyone else out there have any thoughts?

Right there with you,pal! I’m on a cutting cycle also and I keep hearing this voice in my head, saying “You’re getting smaller - better bulk up now before you look like emaciated”. My logical mind wins but it’s definitely a battle.

It all depends on where you were when you started. If you were a fat slob like myself, your set of goals is and should be completely different than the goals of somebody who was very lean his whole life or maybe even “skinny bastard” from the other end of the genetic spectrum. I am still in the process of defining goals for myself. I do not think I can ever look Brad Pitt-style, I do not think I can be 5 % bf without some major drug use and I do not think that is neccessary because I will not work as an underwear model. I will try to achieve my personal best though because of me and because of personal growth/development. I might try to get to 5 % for the fun of it, but I do not plan to stay completely cut for the rest of my life. I like Shugart’s idea of hovering around acceptable bodyfat levels. Not everybody should follow the same path in this game or otherwise, many frustrations might emerge. There is no need for that. Another thing - people in this game have a comparative advantage over so called regular people who would like to look better and be healthier but have no idea how to change body composition. The fact that I have the knowledge to make a significant impact on my looks and health, even if I for some strange reason slip from my path and gain fat or whatever, means a lot to me because I know now that I can get in shape in no tome. Enough rambling for now. :slight_smile: