OK, here’s the deal. For the past few weeks after i get done lifting i feel great but when i get home it’s like i start to have a panic attack. I get really antsy and i can seem to calm down. My heart races and i have to lay on my bed until i can relax. These periods of anxiety have seemed to get longer and longer the more i work out. Can some one please tell me what the fuck is up? Am i working out too long, too hard, or am i just getting all worked up for nothing. My workouts usually last from 45 min. to an hour and i go pretty hard when i lift. not alot of rest betwen sets. Anyway, someone please give me some understanding on what the hell is going on.
I have a friend that might be able to offer some advice. Send a PM to Jersey5150
I couldn’t give you any advice, but it sounds pretty serious. You may be training too hard. Have an experienced person train with you and let him/her tell you if you’re overdoing it.
Take a week of to rest your muscles and your nervous system.
That’s a tough one without knowing you personally. However, it could be one (or both) of two things:
First: You might be overtraining. Are you sleeping well at night? How is your appetite? Do you find yourself over reacting with in personal relationships?
Secondly: You might be taking a supplement or two, which disagree with your system, thus causing anxiety.
Which of the two do you think it is, or is it something else altogether different?
You’re overtrained.
its overtraining; it actually happened to me after a workout last week, my nerves felt pretty wound up (although not really to the degree that you describe) …
what it did was take 2-3 days off and up’d my calories a bit and tried to get as much sleep as i could. Now I feel much better.
[quote]ZEB wrote:
That’s a tough one without knowing you personally. However, it could be one (or both) of two things:
First: You might be overtraining. Are you sleeping well at night? How is your appetite? Do you find yourself over reacting with in personal relationships?
Secondly: You might be taking a supplement or two, which disagree with your system, thus causing anxiety.
Which of the two do you think it is, or is it something else altogether different?[/quote]
Probably overtrainning/undereating. I have been really busy over the last few weeks or so tryin to get my music career off the ground in austin,tx. I been having to run from houston to austin at least three times a week. Everytime i go i put alot of undue stress on my self and when i get stressed im not hungry. Yes my appetite of late has been shit. I have lost about 5 lbs. and i feel like total ass. Hell today i had an attack and didn’t even workout. My sleep has also been lacking. I wake up two or three times a night to take a piss and recently i have started to have night sweats. The only supp i take is PD and i have never had a problem with it.So yes i guess i am overtrained.
It sounds like overtraing to me. You said that you workout hard and intense for 45-60min with not much rest in between sets. Maybe you should think about resting a lil more in between sets.
What does your training program look like?
On several occasions when I have lifted in the evenings after work, Id have a real hard time sleeping. Id be tired, but not real sleepy. I’m pretty sure it was because I was going really heavy, and it tends to get your nerves really worked up, and takes longer for you to settle down, relative to a workout consisting of lower weights and higher reps. So you may want to adjust your intensity.
People have already mentioned supplements, so I wont get into that.
I knew a guy back in college who had very similar symtoms to what you are describing. Elevated heart rate, VERY high blood pressure, etc - he wasn’t willing to admit it at first, but it turned out to be that he was taking steroids, and not only that, but he was taking about twice the “recommended” dose. Anyway, this issue may or may not be a factor for you, but I thought Id put it out there just in case.
Good luck!
If anything its my diet and stress levels. I need to up calories. Im at my lowest weight ever right now and its probably because of all the reasons i mentioned. im gonna take a week or two off, eat like a freakin horse and see what happens. i really hope i haven’t pushed things too far. I know that LL says it can take like 30 days(?) to get back to baseline in terms of getting your body to work right.
BUMP How does my recovery plan sound?
i would actually increase your eating gradually ;; suddenly over-eating while your metabolism is screwed up by overtraining might not be the best; eat lots of veggies, fruits, berries; the nutrients will help you recover.
time and rest is probably the most effective, however. My take is that the nervous system is shot to hell, so its more a matter of taking it easy.
Hey jake,
Minimizing stimulants might help, too. I have a pretty fast metabolism, and my food intake varies, but the only thing that always causes me to lose weight, without fail, is taking too many stimulants. If I drink coffee (or worse, esperesso) less than two hours after my workout a couple days in a week, the scale starts a-fallin.'
Just one more factor to turn to your advantage.
[quote]jakewnet44 wrote:
ZEB wrote:
That’s a tough one without knowing you personally. However, it could be one (or both) of two things:
First: You might be overtraining. Are you sleeping well at night? How is your appetite? Do you find yourself overreacting within personal relationships?
Secondly: You might be taking a supplement or two, which disagree with your system, thus causing anxiety.
Which of the two do you think it is, or is it something else altogether different?
Probably overtrainning/undereating. I have been really busy over the last few weeks or so tryin to get my music career off the ground in austin,tx. I been having to run from houston to austin at least three times a week. Everytime i go i put alot of undue stress on my self and when i get stressed im not hungry. Yes my appetite of late has been shit. I have lost about 5 lbs. and i feel like total ass. Hell today i had an attack and didn’t even workout. My sleep has also been lacking. I wake up two or three times a night to take a piss and recently i have started to have night sweats. The only supp i take is Power Drive and i have never had a problem with it.So yes i guess i am overtrained. [/quote]
I would go with stress, pure and simple. The work-outs could be helping, but your ‘drive’ to succeed in music can be the cause of it. It is not trivial driving that distance 2-3 times a week. I am, of course, assuming that you drive there and back each time, apparently a 500 mile round trip. Maybe you are anxious because you want to be successful and you are worried cause of it?
Like how? Excess fat? I don’t really care at this point. I would tell you more about whats going on but its a long story. Lets just say i look like hell from extensive extreme dieting. I could use the fat and the excess weight. Also another question. Is it dangerous to, heart wise, to increase calories suddenly after a diet like the one i have been on with extremely low calories