Bad Day...Again!

Hey ya’ll!
So I’ve been reading articles on this site for about 3 months now and only decided to join now…I dont know why either!?

Anyway my first topic for everyone to mull over can crossover into many areas of bodybuilding…
I’ve been a sufferer of panic attacks for a while now, way before I began training. Ever since I changed my approach to training to a far more commited and serious one I’ve encountered less panic attacks but have come across strange by products of training, the panic is still there from time to time but I have more control over it nowadays.

These by products are Adrenal fatigue and all the problems it encompasses, A nervousness/nauseating effect I seem get every now and again which ruins a workout, today for instance I couldn’t perform to an intensity level my program requires due to an overwhelming feeling of nausea etc…a pain in the ass basically. Also my acne is beginnning to depress me. Negative thoughts and depression every now and again.
(*Bare in mind I ain’t on any Steroids)
In the past year my results have surpassed my expectations (3olbs gained and a drop of bf from 12% to 7%) Impressive by anyones standards, but now I’m beginning to get a little down about training and these few problems that are holding my confidence back always and my gains of late!

Any advice will be of huge help to me & a big thanks in advance! Also if you’d like to know what I’m supplementing with or other areas which you think maybe effecting all this just let me know and I’ll gladly post it up!


I really dont know much about the panic attacks but I can tell you that I am currently going through a down phase in my lifting. Once you first start training you see DRASTIC changes in your body, at least I did. Once your body has molded to its best form in the present it is harder to see more drastic changes. Dont get down on yourself about your gains as of late.

If it has gotten really bad you need to throw in a new spark to your routine. Change your workout plan/supplements/even the songs on your mp3 player (if you have one). I have found that minute changes in everything I do help. What supplements are you taking? How is your diet?

When I stop making gains I change my goals.

First goal was to lose fat and be able to run a couple of kms. Dropped 11kg. Perhaps a little too much (weighed 65kg).

Then I looked weak so my goal was to gain muscle. Gained 5kg so far and have increased all my lifts a decent amount.

Gains are slowing down again. Might start focusing on some general fitness like 3-5 km runs. This year with my lose fat goal I entered a fun run - made 4.5km in 21mins 4secs. My goal next year is under 18 minutes.

Then I’ll try to get stronger again.

Then I’ll try to make under 16 minutes.

Then I’ll try to get stronger again.

Then I’ll try to get under 14 minutes.

So soon enough I’ll be huge, fast and strong.

So what’s your goal at the moment? What would you like to achieve next?

I don’t think “adrenaline fatigue” is an actual medical term. I did some research and it seems like one of those “alternative” medicine ideas. Anyway, I’ve had problems with anxiety and I went to see a therapist when I was in university. What helped me was cognitive behavioral therapy. Look into it for panic attacks.

[quote]Mach10 wrote:
If it has gotten really bad you need to throw in a new spark to your routine. Change your workout plan/supplements/even the songs on your mp3 player (if you have one). I have found that minute changes in everything I do help. What supplements are you taking? How is your diet?[/quote]

You see this is why its confusing, I have a personal trainer who changes my routine every 6 workouts due to adaption etc. so I know it ain’t that! My diet is really tight, High protein, High fat, Low Carb.
I’m consuming roughly 400g protein a day, 150g fat, and about 250g carbs, bare in mind 200g of that is immediately after I train and the other 50g is unavoidable foods, If i wasn’t trainng it’d only be 50g.
I’m kinda pissing into the wind when it comes to diet though as I havent yet counted how many calories I’m consuming or how much I need to gain.

As for supplementation the staples are

Fish Oil
Carb supp’ like Vitargo (the shit is mad expensive over here though)

The ZMA I’ve only started using since last week and its made my sleeping so much better, probably the best supplement along with fish oils.

So there ya have it Mach10, any more advice greatly appreciated

[quote]Digity wrote:
I don’t think “adrenaline fatigue” is an actual medical term. I did some research and it seems like one of those “alternative” medicine ideas. Anyway, I’ve had problems with anxiety and I went to see a therapist when I was in university. What helped me was cognitive behavioral therapy. Look into it for panic attacks.[/quote]

I think your right there but its widely accepted that heavy duty training and shifts in diet can irritate the adrenal glands, I noticed this after several months of training, general lethargy, serious anxiety etc.
I’m gonna have a look into that cognitive behavioral therapy
Nice one