[quote]Patch2 wrote:
[quote]Reconstruction wrote:
I have decided not to do the unsupported bent over rows until I do weighted bird dogs. The bird dogs feel easy but I do not want to rush adding weight because then the small stabilizing muscles won’t be working.[/quote]
I don’t understand your logic in this. I really like bird dog as a warm up movement, and to practice stability, but I don’t think progression in it should be weighted, if anything it should be time. How long can you hold each side for?
I understand if the damage to your back makes it so that you can’t do bent rows, but if the sole reason is because you think the stabilizers aren’t working then I think you should do them. The stabilizers are working when you do compound movements that are unsupported, they’re doing the job they are meant for, stabilizing you. The only thing is, they’re not the only muscles working, you get to work the big guys too. If you think they need extra work you can do accessory movements for them after big lifts, but when they’re doing their job, they’re working as they’re meant to.
I didn’t mean that to sound harsh. Just to get you thinking. [/quote]
Thank you Patch for your input, I really do appreciate it, and you do not sound at all harsh to me.
You raise a very good point regarding the fact that the stabilizers are being worked in unsupported bent over rows. I don’t think I thought about that, thank you.
It was just that the bent over rows made my back spasm and I got scared, thinking maybe I should wait until stronger. It is amazing how much more difficult unsupported rows are than supported rows or seated rows. It feels like a very different exercise to me- it must be because it is taxing the stablilzers or whatever muscles that are responsible for keeping my back horizontal to the ground. You must be right.
I hold the birddogs in the extended position for 3 full seconds. I could hold them a lot longer- maybe even 10 miinutes, I don’t know, I don’t find them very taxing- but my understanding was that they shouldn’t be difficult. I chose 3 seconds just because I don’t want to be there all day and I am doing 3 sets of 10 each side.
I had planned to add ankle and wrist weights on the birddogs.
I think one reason my back spasmed on those bent over rows was that I did them at the end of my routine- after doing 3 sets of 4 other types of rows. Too many rows. Maybe I used too much weight too.
I think what I will do now is to drop one of my other supported rows and do the bent over rows earlier in the routine, and if I have to do them with 3#, so be it. There is something about being in the unsupported horizontal position that my back really needs.
Oh and btw, I went to a variety of physio’s last year and not one even suspected osteoporosis - I think because I look strong. So it’s not like I am “injured” or anything, just that my back is bothering me for the first time in my life. Or maybe I am in denial. What I am betting on is that my troubles are mostly a result of muscle weakness.
Thank you very much for your input Patch, I appreciate it