On Monday I start a new workout at a new gym (sydney uni arena for those interested), and this is the plan I intend to follow. It’s a slightly modified version of TC’s Push/Pull workout (I didn’t like some of the exercise choices). With my changes I have tried to keep the upper/lower balance, and the back/chest balance present in TC’s original plan.
If you have any suggestions please give them. I will be posting a log when I start.
Starting weight: 85kgs (187.4)
Starting height: 6’5"
Monday - Heavy Pull Day
A.1 Deadlift 6x4
A.2 Weighted Pull-Ups 6x4
B.1 Hang Cleans 6x4
B.2 S-L Deadlift 6x4
C. Serratus Crunch, 3-4x8-10
Tuesday - Heavy Push Day
A.1 ATG Front Squats 5x5
A.2 Wide grip incline bench press to neck 5x5
B.1 Behind the neck wide grip military press 5x5
B.2 Dips 5x5
C. Standing Calf Raises with barbell 4x12
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Light/moderate Pull Day
A.1 One-legged Deadlifts 3x8
A.2 Hammer Curls 3x8
B.1 Barbell Row 3x8
B.2 Wide grip Upright Row 3x8
C. Dumbell Curls 3x8
D. Rear Delt Flyes 3x8
E. Leg Curls 3x8
Friday - Light/moderate Push Day
A.1 One-legged Squat 3x8
A.2 Dumbell Flyes 3x8
B.1 Lateral Raises 3x8
B.2 Dumbell Bench Press 3x8
C. Cable Tricep Extensions 3x8
D. Over the head shrugs 3x10
E. Leg press calf extensions 3x12
Saturday + Sunday - Off
Load % ?
T-U-T ?
Rest Intervals?
How long have you been training?
On Monday between deadlifts, stiff leg deadlifts and hang cleans, that is a lot of lower back work. Thats cool but I know for myself at least after I did that workout my low back would be way to sore on Tuesday to then do 5 heavy sets of squats. If your lower back can handle that then go for it. I know that you are going to get a lot of arm work from your back and chest/shoulder work and if those are your weak spots thats cool. For me my chest/back and shoulders seem to respond better relatively speaking than my arms so I would do a little more direct arm work. But like I said if thats not an issue for you then keep what youve got. Overall looks good, and good luck.
[quote]Crusher Jr. wrote:
Load % ?
T-U-T ?
Rest Intervals?
How long have you been training?[/quote]
Load I am going to find out on through the first week, as some of these lower rep ranges I haven’t used before.
T-U-T would be as fast eccentric as possible, with controlled concentric (not too slow or I risk such high levels of DOMS from the heavy days that I would struggle too much on the lighter days).
Rest Intervals will be about 90 seconds for heavy days and 45 for lighter days, but I suspect I might end up having to work down to that.
Goal for this year to reach 100kg, then to velocity diet off any added fat. I’ve been training on and off for about 2 years, at my heaviest I was 95-96kgs when I was playing rugby in school. Thankfully I never did one of those bench and curl workouts so no problems with shoulders curling in.
[quote]OneMoreRep wrote:
On Monday between deadlifts, stiff leg deadlifts and hang cleans, that is a lot of lower back work. Thats cool but I know for myself at least after I did that workout my low back would be way to sore on Tuesday to then do 5 heavy sets of squats. If your lower back can handle that then go for it.[/quote]
Well they are Front Squats so I felt that might make it easier, but if I find it too much stress on the lower back, what exercise would you replace the hang cleans with?
[quote]OneMoreRep wrote:
I know that you are going to get a lot of arm work from your back and chest/shoulder work and if those are your weak spots thats cool. For me my chest/back and shoulders seem to respond better relatively speaking than my arms so I would do a little more direct arm work. But like I said if thats not an issue for you then keep what youve got. Overall looks good, and good luck.[/quote]
Never had any problem with tricep growth (never any isolation work for it, and it grows off shoulder work). My main aim is to add some main bulk, so if I find after I’ve reached 100kg that I need more arm work I’ll find a workout that can take care of that.
Thanks for the comments
I’m thinking of replacing hang cleans with cable rows. I’m not sure which grip, but I don’t know how much difference it really makes. I’ll post up on monday night how it all went.