Push day structure

I’'ve been doing a PPL rotation where I hit each workout every 4-5 days. Usually it goes like this: Push/Pull/Rest/Legs/Rest/Repeat

Having a chest and delt focused push day variants doesn’t seem right to me as this would mean that I would be benching or pressing only every 10 days. In such case, how would you structure the Push day so that both chest and shoulders get hit adequately?
Here is example, my delts are already fried by the time I reach the seated press.

Bench Press 3 sets 6-8
Incline Bench Press 3 sets 8-10
Dumbbell Flyes 3 sets 12-15
Seated Dumbbell Press 3 sets 8-10
Lateral Raises 3 sets 12-15
Tricep Extensions 3 sets 10-12
Tricep Pushdowns 3 sets 10-12

It being focused on one does not mean you do not train the other at all.

How? You mean your front delts? Try DB’s

Do you take every set to failure? How do you track and progress?

If this is the case you are prob involving too much shoulder in your pressing movements.
Make incline press a low incline and use the pec dec for flys.
Work on your form. Your most likely lifting too heavy and recruiting your shoulders for help.
As @OTay mentioned you could also try switching to DB’s

I usually hit my lifts once a month since I do a 3 exercise rotation and I still progress every time they come around. I don’t know how advanced you are or what your goals are, but unless you’re training competition lifts for strength purposes, you don’t need to hit a lift multiple times a week or even multiple times a month. If it’s muscle growth you’re interested in, you just need to train hard (I recommend to failure) and just try to progress every time you come back around to a lift with the same or better form.

Don’t really sweat the exact minutiae of how often a lift is trained unless the lift is the most important thing to you. Novelty of stimulus is good for growth too!

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OP needs this

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Alternate between chest first then delts vs delts first then chest.

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You’re doing a type of FT, yes? Isn’t your frequency significantly higher than what you’re stating here? I haven’t been following your log too closely so I may be wrong. :man_shrugging:t2:

My frequency per body part is high(3x a week), but my actual lifts for my heavy loading sets are pretty much only done once a month since I have a 3 exercise rotation. Sometimes I’ll use a movement for a pump set or a muscle round more frequently than that, but those are all picked intuitively on the spot. Typically I try not to use a given exercise more than once per week or even once per training cycle if I can.

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