im doign a basic 3 day split for about a month and want to change soon so please give me your opinion on this 2x a week routine( im just gona post the upper body days)
Monday Upper Body Day 1
Bench 5x3
Bent row 5x5
Incline DB press 3x8
LatPull down 3x8-6
tuesday lower body day 1
Thursday Upperbody day 2
Incline bench 5x5
pull ups 5x5-15
flat DB press 3x8
1 arm row 2x8
seated row 3x10,8,6
Friday lower body day 2
I would like to do seated db press, shrugs, upright rows, smith machione front and rear press for delts/traps but this routine does not include them or anything for shoulders, when should i do them???