Hi CT,
I recently watched carl paoli’s series on pulling/grip progression using chin ups, pull ups and various rogue grip implements (monster grip triangle, fat grip, centre loaded fat grip, dog bone, cannon balls, atlas ball and grandfather clock handles)to drill proper and efficient pulling mechanics. I am fascianted by these and how they could contribute to hypertrophy and overall strenght carry over.
Do you have a take on how you could integrate these progressions into your training? Am i right in saying you are currently devoting more training to chin ups?
Many Thanks CT
[quote]Hull2012 wrote:
Hi CT,
I recently watched carl paoli’s series on pulling/grip progression using chin ups, pull ups and various rogue grip implements (monster grip triangle, fat grip, centre loaded fat grip, dog bone, cannon balls, atlas ball and grandfather clock handles)to drill proper and efficient pulling mechanics. I am fascianted by these and how they could contribute to hypertrophy and overall strenght carry over.
Do you have a take on how you could integrate these progressions into your training? Am i right in saying you are currently devoting more training to chin ups?
Many Thanks CT[/quote]
I don’t know his progression. Carl is a great guy and loves his craft, so I’m sure that there is a lot of good stuff in there. But honestly I haven’t studied this particular aspect of training.
I’m not devoting more training to chin-ups. I’m doing some, but I wouldn’t say that they are an important part of my training. And I simply do low reps with added weight, nothing fancy.