Yesterday, I learned a hard lesson. I was in a mad rush at the gym, so I didnt get a chance to really stretch. I was doing the day * of CW’s Summer Project and started on Squats. I could tell from the first squat something wasnt right in the groin area. I finished my sets thinking it was just some uncomfortable something.
I went on to the Bulgarian Split Squat and on the second set it went all the way. I could barely make it out of the gym.
Now its really hard to walk and sit down. The pain is right where the leg meets body, and so any kind of leg work it probably out for the remainder of the week.
Should I just continue the workout of Chads and leave out the leg work? I cant run or even walk very well, so I thought about really bumping up the intensity and do lots of upperbody work for the remainder of the week, short rests to get some kind of cardiovascular demand in there. Any ideas?
Since the body only has limited recovery capacity, even upper body work could detract healing attention from your groin. It might be best just to take a few days or a few weeks off from doing anything unnecessary, depending on how you feel. Good luck.
Well its up to you really, but depending on how you feel I would do nothing for a few days and if it doenst get better then see a doctor and take his advice. People want to be eager and feel like if they lose a day they will fall behind in there goals! Rushing has gotten you into this situation and I am pretty certain rushing will not get you out.
Good luck