Pulled Groin

I pulled my groin for the 3rd time this year in training. i train traditional jujitsu, where there’s alot of kicking with legs, and i do warm up pretty good and work on my flexibility, but this groin is really bugging me. i’m not sure if it’s actually groin this time, the pain is somewhere between abductor longus and the groin.

i have trouble walking and tend to limp on my other foot, and can’t raise my leg, so stairs are hell… can any1 help me with some advice on how to fix this, like massage, or just rest, or maybe stretching, etc. and how to avoid it in future.
Thanx in advance

Hey little buddy.

Groin injuries are the worse. I had one about 6 months ago. I pretty much had to rest it for 3 months for it to get better, and even now I still have to be cautious about it.

Take your time. Let it heal. Have you seen anyone about it?


What motions specifically hurt it? I know you said stairs and leg raises but is it worse going up or down or no difference and with leg raises is that toe out or forward- cause you’ll know if you strained your groin it’s pretty unmistakable, so if you don’t know for sure that leads me to believe it may be something else.

no no i meant raising legs like when im going up stairs, i cant raise my leg cause it hurts like hell, goind down is easier but hurts less…and yes im not sure if its actually groin or maybe i hurt my hip…i was doing a highkick on heavy bag and i felt really akward when i kicked it and when i lowered my leg it started…i tried to ‘‘warm up’’ my again and i had a feeling like the bone was skipping at hips

it could be the groin but i would also check the hip flexors and glute/ham tie in points. Stretch, foam roll, stretch, foam roll, ice, ice, heat, ice, walk. Walking is a godsend the second you can bear it. Should increase blood flow, be light movement to help them recover.

I second checking out your hip flexors/lower back complex. Limits in mobility or stiffness elsewhere??