Just putting together a bit of a supertotal kind of inspired program,I’ve based it on pull/legs/push each day been doing it two weeks and seeing gains but thought I’d ask your opinion, as below:
Monday: clean & jerk 4x3/squat 3x5/push press 3x5
Wednesday: deadlift work up to 5rm/ohs 3x5 as light accessory work/bench 3x5
Check out ape288’s log in the Training Logs forum. He posted a video awhile ago on training the Oly lifts and powerlifts together. He’s one of the strongest people on this site and offers good advice.
What lift206 said. That’s an ambitious (but not necessarily unachievable) aim, training the O-lifts and PL.
For what it’s worth, I tried something a bit similar when I started out barbell training and while it worked OK, it quickly (within about 3 months) became apparent that if I wanted to get good at either the O-lifts or the PL lifts I had to really focus on what I wanted to get good at. My experience is that C&J and snatch don’t really carry over to the PL lifts at all; and while obviously squat and DL are definitely not going to hurt your O-lifts, bench isn’t necessarily going to do much for them.
I used to used cleans as a squat warm up and snatch grip high pulls as DL warm up and that actually worked pretty well - but not better than just ramping up to my work sets, so I dropped them.
Yeah, my main concern is that it will fizzle out pretty quickly. I think my main problem is that I’m more of a low end intermediate lifter (over 2 x BW Squat/2.5 x BW DL/1 x BW Snatch/crap bench) and I’ve basically got here by exhausting starting strength, then doing going from program to program for a few years deciding whether I want strength/power/hypertrophy, etc.
As a smaller guy (5ft7/72kg) I do like the fact that I’m fairly strong as I train at a bit of commercial bro gym, plus as a rugby player I’m more concerned with athletic performance that you gain from the o-lifts, and the raw strength from the big 3.
Maybe I just need to pick something and go with it??
[quote]Cb88 wrote:
Cheers for the advice (both of you).
Yeah, my main concern is that it will fizzle out pretty quickly. I think my main problem is that I’m more of a low end intermediate lifter (over 2 x BW Squat/2.5 x BW DL/1 x BW Snatch/crap bench) and I’ve basically got here by exhausting starting strength, then doing going from program to program for a few years deciding whether I want strength/power/hypertrophy, etc.
As a smaller guy (5ft7/72kg) I do like the fact that I’m fairly strong as I train at a bit of commercial bro gym, plus as a rugby player I’m more concerned with athletic performance that you gain from the o-lifts, and the raw strength from the big 3.
Maybe I just need to pick something and go with it??[/quote]
Just pick something and stick with it. Don’t be afraid to get bigger if you want to be competitive (and haven’t made rapid progress at a lighter weight). Strength and hypertrophy are both important for strength sports.
If you really want to experiment then I highly recommend watching ape288’s video or asking him for advice. He’ll help point you in the right direction. As long as you put in consistent work and don’t change things up too often you’ll make progress and learn something.