I trying to combine powerlifting 5.3.1 with Olympic lifting, I know topic like this was on forum before but I still can’t find solution for my goal.So far I fallowing BBB routine but want to split it and add power clean clean and jerk etc.
I was thinking about something like this:
Day I
Power Clean 4sets of 6-8reps
Bench 5/3/1
Bench press lockout 4sets of 4reps
Speed bench 6sets of 3 reps superset with pull ups
Dips 3 x max
Day II
Snatch 4sets of 6-8reps
Squad 5/3/1
Legs press 4 sets of 12reps
Legs curls 4 sets of 10reps
Clean and jerk 4sets 6-8reps
Military Press 5/3/1
Dips 4 sets of 10reps superset with pull ups
Day IV
Snatch 4 sets of 6-8reps
Deadlift 5/3/1
Legs curls 4 sets of 10reps
I’ve tried to add some exercise like barbell row , biceps curls and triceps Extensions and some for lower back but completely lost.If anyone can advise please reply. Sorry for English but it is not my first language.
If it were me I would ditch the dips for pullups so you have some pulling in there and change the set rep scheme on the Oly lifts to something like 10X2 or 8X3
Just follow Pendlay’s template but be wary about this. Few people are able to get the best out of themselves for both as the mechanics ofa deadlift and first pull in an OOly lift are quite different and most people training in the Oly lifts squat a lot making it hard to practice the powerlifting style squat (not that there is anything stopping you squatting Oly style at powerliftimg meet but it won’t move the most weight)
I’ve tried to find routine on pendlay web site and pendlay forum but my tab 2 explorer can’t display content… can anyone send me a direct link or paste sample training here? Thx for info mates
As the PL squat will work your posterior chain and back well, I’d spend at least a couple of days a week front squatting. Don’t deadlift much; the lifts themselves will improve your pulling anyway. Wear OL shoes and focus on staying upright when you front/high bar squat, or you’ll struggle with the catch position due to excess lean.
[quote]boxer87 wrote:
I trying to combine powerlifting 5.3.1 with Olympic lifting, I know topic like this was on forum before but I still can’t find solution for my goal.So far I fallowing BBB routine but want to split it and add power clean clean and jerk etc.
I’ve tried to add some exercise like barbell row , biceps curls and triceps Extensions and some for lower back but completely lost.If anyone can advise please reply. Sorry for English but it is not my first language.
What is your goal?
I believe Jim has said in 531 workouts in this order: speed stuff / strength stuff(main lifts) / bodybuilding and or conditioning.
So if you wanna do the Oly lifts go ahead and do them, but consider dropping the rep range to 1-3 reps for several sets instead of the 6-8 reps. 6-8 reps seems a bit excessive to me for those lifts by the time you reach the strength portion.
Personally, I would do the Oly lifts in the 3-5 set range and 1-3 rep range. Then progress into 531 sets/reps and finish off w/ one other compound movement. It just depends on your goals.
6-8 reps for the olympic lift variations is not a good idea. If you hit them hard you probably won’t have any energy for your strength lifts. OSU’s suggestions are good ones.
[quote]boxer87 wrote:
I’ve tried to find routine on pendlay web site and pendlay forum but my tab 2 explorer can’t display content… can anyone send me a direct link or paste sample training here? Thx for info mates[/quote]
I can’t answer your questions about combining with 5/3/1, but for the pendlay recommendations just search super total at pendlay forum.
I have been trying to reach your same goals, and what I am learning is having any effect towards all lift increases is to bench press/shoulder press as normal. Squat a lot. Practice yours oly lifts twice a week. And then find some time to squat some more. I don’t deadlift. I rarely back squat–all front. Had PRs in a competition in both lifts a couple weeks ago.
If I where you I honestly would choose purely Olympic lifts, or strength. I do not really understand trying to combine this stuff. This is purely my take on it, but why not become a bad ass olympic lifts, then later become ape strong. I see it as when you combine something with different aims, you really slow progress in both areas. Unless your goal is to purely be an olympic lifter with a good bench I suppose. Just my opinion.
These templates you’re proposing here are astonishingly bad.
Which is to say, random exercises chosen from arnold’s encyclopedia with random numbers assigned by throwing dice for sets and reps would result in a better program.
Pick something to get good at, then take a decade and do what it takes to get good. If you want to powerlift, do it. If you want to weightlift, do that. If you want to do both, be a hobbyist and accept mediocrity. In which case, so little is at stake for you that it doesn’t matter much what kind of program you follow.
Once you’ve made this important decision, find a written program that makes sense to you (I think Jim’s programs from the books are good but that’s just my bias) and work the shit out of it. Not for six weeks, or a few months, but for years.
Most of your questions will melt away, or at least by that point you’ll be able to answer them yourself. There’s no other way to go about this, I’m sorry.