
Okay, I was rereading the “Protein Roundtable”
article. We know that we need both casein and whey proteins and a combo of the two is best, but there was one very important question left unanswered. What effect does adding non-fat milk have on absorbtion of the whey. I like mixing my protein with milk. It ups my daily protein and carbs substantially. Plus it tastes better. I know that a drink like Surge is best for the post workout purpose, but what if you don’t have Surge. Its a high quality product, but kind of expensive. I guess you get what you pay for though. Anyways, would it(whey)be better to mix with water post workout or milk. Also, what about in the morning upon rising and before bed. In this case I think mixing with milk would be better. I may be wrong though. Please,…speak amongst yourselves…

Do not use milk post workout. Lactose is half galactose, which does nothing for muscle recovery, as it’s primary function is to restore liver glycogen. It will also slow down absorption of other carbohydrates consumed. Also, the casein found in milk will slow down the absorption of whey.

Mixing milk with MRPs in the morning shouldn't be a problem, provided that it is not your only source of carbohyrate at this time.

CHEAPO POST W/O: Grape Juice and egg whites. NEXTSTEPUP: Whey Protein and Dextrose/maltodextrin. If I’m low on cals I’ll mix the protein with milk, otherwise usually just water.

Can you please give me a scientific reason as to why the hell you would EVER use fructose as your main source of carbs post workout?

I’m not sure I’d recommend the grape juice + egg white, BUT grapes, as far as fruit goes, is very high glycemic because it is one fruit that contains more dextrose than fructose as it’s sugar composition. That’s why they always recommended to mix your creatine with grape juice - the high glycemic grape juice with all it’s dextrose provided the insulin spike for creatine uptake. I’ve got a friend who has a daughter with genetic type 1 diabetes and the one food which will send her blood sugar sky high and cause problems was raisins (dried grapes), and she wouldn’t have to eat very many raisins to cause a problem, so grape juice is insulin spiking. When I eat fruit as snack, I try to avoid high glycemic choices as I’m not very insulin sensitive, so I never eat grapes, watermelon, or bananas. I stick to apples, pears, plums, cherries and other low glycemic fruits. Different fruits vary widely in sugar composition (% fructose, dextrose, etc) and therefore have widely varying glycemic indexes. Grape juice is a good choice if insulin spike is desired.

Although they are fruit, grapes/grape juice, pineapple/pineapple
juice, or bananas have high concentrations of glucose. Grape juice,
better than nothing, is not remotely as effective as maltodextrin
post workout!

Grape juice = glucose :slight_smile:

Heb, can you please tell me how much of the carbs in an aplle are fructose? And in a banana’A banana also has some dextrose in it?

I used the grape juice/egg whites as an example of a very basic, cheap postworkout alternative. I know this isn’t close to the best you can get, which in my opinion is Surge, but for someone not willing to get it, or get supps for whatever reasons it’s better than nothing. I chose grape juice to ‘spike insulin’ and I think Heb explained it good. Personally, I only use Surge because it’s high-quality. If I run out I’ll just use a whey/dextrose combination, again, it’s not the best, but better than the grape juice/egg whites.

If Surge was a 10, the whey/dextrose would be around 6 or 7, and the grape juice/egg whites I’d guess to be around 2 or 3. 3 is better than no post w/o supplemention.

Though I don’t have specific breakdowns of sugar compositions in various fruits and not sure if the exact info is available, I’ve read in numurous sources that grapes, watermelon, and bananas (and it sounds like apparently pineapple also) have higher levels of dextrose than other fruits and that is why they are higher glycemic. I’ve read that grapes and watermelon will increase blood glucose levels rapidly. I’m also a big believer in the glycemic index and all those fruits are much higher GI so I’ve come to believe that you can roughly judge a fruits sugar composition based on GI. Lower GI fruits, I’m sure, have higher fructose contents. I’ve got poor insulin sensitivity so I limit carbs and stick to low GI carbs except post WO, and I don’t eat a lot of fruit (2 servings a day), so for me to eat a little fructose a couple times a day between meals isn’t a problem and as such stick to low GI fruits such as apples, pears, plums, and cherries. Grapes, watermelon, and bananas are some of the higher GI fruits.

Okay, I know that milk slows down the absorbton of the whey, but to what extent? Could I for instance, In the morning take 47.5g Whey/Designer Protien, w/ 24oz milk 27g/casein and not be pissing most of it away? In other words, does the milk have such a drastic effect on the whey that it doesn’t still abosorb much faster into the system vs the casein? Do you see what I’m getting at here??

I’ve been taking createch,l-glutamine powder and some extra creatine all mixed up with water ,and it works really good for me as a post workout drink.


HA Ha got 'cha! Doesn’t anyone know the answer to this one??