Dairy and Post Work Out Meals

Would adding a dairy product (milk) to a post workout shake slow down the absorption of Whey protein, or would it actually be more beneficial because of the insulin responce. Thanx to anyone who gives there input. JN

That is the only way I take mine. Plus I read an article in t-mag that talked about that. It was from one of those nutrition confrences. It was talking about choclate milk as a great post workout drink. I usually will trow a scoop and a half of powder in with the milk. If it does slow down the absorption a little, then I see it as good. You don’t always absorb all of it.

Milk will slow the absorption of the post workout drink.

I believe the chocalate milk was suggested as a PRE-workout drink, not post workout.

I have seen non-fat milk recommended in post-workout drinks. For instance, 8 oz. non-fat milk, 16 oz. grape juice, and a scoop of whey protein powder is a post-workout drink recommended by Tom Incledon (I know I’ve been referring to him a bit lately, but he provides good, solid nutritional info for budget-conscious lifters who can’t afford expensive supps and post-workout concoctions).

Why the hell are yall not using Surge. It kicks the ass of grape juice and whey or nething along those lines.

Because Surge is hella expensive for most of us in our young 20’s. I’ve made my own concoction out of gatorade and Grow…

Ive heard of this Tom Incledon before. Where do you get info from him? I’d like to check it out. I am a poor bastard right now. JN

Try using the search engine on this site by typing “Tom Incledon”. He’s written a few articles for T-Mag. BTW, Tom will say himself to use a product such as Surge, but if you can’t afford it, he offers other options that aren’t as costly. Also, I think he’s written articles in some paper mags, like Men’s Health and Ironman.