Protein Requirements while Cutting

Hey, guys, I need a clarification on protein requirements. I?m trying to drop body fat. I?ve seen recommended protein requirements of 1.0g, 1.5g, up to 1.8g per pound of body weight.

My question is: Is that Total Body Weight (TBW) or Lean Body Mass (LBM)? Everything I?ve read in the archives says Total Body Weight, but in a ?Gang of Five? response to a woman who was 145 lbs., 20% BF, whoever responded based protein requirements on her LBM.

The answer matters because at 150 lbs., 30% BF (so says my Bio-Impedence Scale ), that equates to 105 lbs. LBM. Depending on whether you use TBW or LBM, 1.5g of protein per day could mean either 225g or 158g. That?s a big difference when you?re trying to calculate your macronutrient percentages and trying to keep your calories down.

I?m doing John Berardi?s ?Don?t Diet Diet.? I work out with weights five days a week (hard, 60-90 minutes), cardio ? hour at least five days a week. I?m female, 44. My energy level and recovery are good now that I?m using Surge as one of my five meals. I got a MedGem assessment to calculate my RMR. Maintenance calories (with no physical activity) are 1,962. Following John?s recommendations, I created an 85% deficit, which allows me roughly 1,670 calories per day, with the physical exercise I do creating an additional deficit. I?m a little bit insulin resistant (hereditary), so I was trying to do a macronutrient ratio of 30/50/20 (C/P/F). The problem is that if I had to use the 225g number for protein at 50%, that would equate to 155g/225g/95g, a whopping 2,375 calories.

Currently I am doing a 30/50/20 (C/P/F) split at 100g Carbs/165g Protein/65g Fats, which usually gets me in within 100 calories of my 1,670 calorie max.

I am seeing results of about a 1-pound loss per week, but it looks like I’m protecting my muscle, because my Bio-Impedence scale says I’m dropping BF.

What say ye, all?

Sounds like you’re doing things right as it is. If you’re dropping BF and maintaining your muscle, what else is there to say?

(Other than “Good job!”, of course… :slight_smile: )

For future reference, all calculations should be based on LBM and not body weight; no one is trying to maintain fat mass here- at least I don’t think they are!

Thanks, guys. The clarification on LBM is extremely helpful.

And, yes, Char-Dawg, you’re right about not being able to argue with results. Thank you for the words of encouragement.

Sorry for the hard to read message, my apostrophes, quotes and a “1/2” got converted to different characters.

Since the protein is required for supporting muscle, a set of protein requirements based upon lean body mass will obviously come closer to asessing accurate requirements than total bodyweight which can involve a lot of bodyfat as well. I feel 1 gram/lb. of lean body mass is enough for someone.