Okay, I’m totally confused on the protein consumption. Right now I’m taking in 1.2/1.5 of protein per LBM. I’m 5’10" 188lbs at 8% BF. I’m a trainer with ISSA and we are taught that excess protein will be stored as fat. However, I believe in one is cutting carbs he can afford to take in more protein. I e-mailed Charles Stanely and he tells me I’m taking in too much. I’m cycling my carbs Day 1 250g, Day 2 150g, Day 3 50g. So one please help with this confusion. Thanks guys.
I think most people are confused when it comes to macro caloric breakdown. The term “excess protein” can be interpreted in different ways, more protein than the ISSA recommends or protein calories that are more than what the body totally uses. It makes no real difference what the macronutrient breakdown is, if you are at maintenance calories. A higher percentage of protein will not lead to an increase in fat mass because they are all being used to fuel the body’s energy expenditure. On the other hand, taking in more calories than the body uses will lead to a gain in weight regardless if it is from carbohydrates, fat, or protein. Protein is also very hard to metabolize into fat. First, it must be broken down enzymatically into amino acids. Then the amino acids must be converted into glucose, the glucose to triglycerides. It is much easier to store carbohydrates in this manner. The nitrogen content of the amino acids is what makes the difference. Anyway, excess calories from protein are better than excess from fat or carbohydrates. Also people falsely believe that by eating great amounts of protein they will get great muscle gains. Eating more protein does not increase muscle synthesis unless you were previously deficient, though protein synthesis is increased by exercise and thus athletes/weight trainers need more. AAS also increase protein synthesis and allow for a greater consumption of protein. I have empirically seen people get lean from taking steroids on maintenance calories while consuming a greater percentage of protein. This repartitioning effect works even in the absence of AAS.
Dear Protein Confused;
I am 5’8" and weigh 185lbs, and around 7-9% fat, and have trained with weights for over 25 years and am currently 35 years old.
I have been a personal trainer for over 10 years, and my recommendation for my clients regarding protein intake per day is about 1 gram per pound of body weight. For higher metabolisms, they bump it up accordingly to around 1.5g/lbs. For slower metabolisms we would reduce it to 0.7-0.9g/lbs. We keep track of their caloric intake for 2 weeks and do a 4-site skin-fold to see where their body weight is coming from. We would then adjust their protein calories either up or down depending on skin-folds. Remember that protein is least-likely to be converted to fat, but in excess any calorie will be turned into fat. Use your clothes as a good indicator as to where you are putting on your weight. The shoulders will begin to become tighter, the waist will come in, and your shape will start to resemble more of a “V” or “X” shape rather than a “U” shape. If you put the weight on slowly, most of it will be muscle mass and not body fat. I hope this helps.
I would also like to add that if you cut calories from one nutrient, you have to make it up from the other two. Reduce your protein, then you would have to add more carbs and/or fat. I don’t know why extra protein per day is still so frowned upon. Taking in extra protein per day will actiually make you leaner. Take in more carbs and see how your body will look after 2 weeks on pasta every night. You’re going to get fatter on carbs, not on protein.