Proper Stacking Techniques?

hi there this is my first post, so ill introduce myself a bit. I’m 21 from Australia and i my weight is about 85kg now… In the past year the only supplements I’ve used is creatine and L Glutamine… but recently have been supplement shopping. so here is a list of what i bought.

HP-100 whey protein, which i’ve been using for 2days now… great so far.

Alpha Male - I’m on my third day… and man must i say this is one quality supplement… I’ve taken Body Ripped Androbolin before with good results, but Alpha Male is exactly what the name says and even more.

Below are the products i got today… after reading alot about each one.

Biotest BCAA 250 Tablets
Biotest Beta 7 180 Tablets
Biotest Caffeine Free Spike 50 Tablets

Now my first question must be are all these products safe to use with each other, and if i wanted to stack say Beta 7 with creatine and BCAA, just the recommended doses? Im also a bit fat in the belly area, I’ve been reading ‘Chad Watterbury - Muscle Revolution’ and have dropped my set-rest time to 30-60secs on nearly all exercises…

My goal is very simple , i want strength gains, muscle gains, and also want to reduce fat loss, Im so dedicated that i even quit smoking last Friday and started jogging… Any advise is warmly welcome… Umm please if i don’t make half the sence here blame it on Alpha Male lol :slight_smile:

peace Oscar K

Yes, at the recommended doses these supps are all stackable.

Check out this article about stacking Biotest supps also:

A Stack for Every Occasion:

oh i missed that one thx for the link, i’ll let you all know how i go with all of them, results\improvements. I have about 1 more week to go on my workout then going to try Chad Waterbury Workouts with my cousin. Should be alot of fun.

peace oscar