What’s up T-men? I just wanted to post my progress as of late. I’m currently following Poliquin’s 6x2(4) method and have been doing fairly well. I’m on my third week and have already hit three or four reps on most exercises. Although, I seem to be stuck on overhead presses at this time.
I’m also slowly dieting down to get lean. So far, I’ve lost 5lbs and my abs are beginning to come out. Unfortunately, I still have more to lose on my sides (love handles) but a little more time, and I should have it! My lifting was a bit off last week due to a conference in Atlanta, but I still managed to get all my workouts. This week is also a bit jumbled, but I’ll get all my weight workouts in. I’ve just had less cardio the last two weeks. I’m currently following the MRP diet using 3-4 Grow shakes in addition to two solid meals a day (and Surge after workouts). I’ll be doing this for 2-3 weeks before I begin eating more regular food. I will also be taking T2 and MD6 beginning Friday.
Yesterday’s workout was as follows. Deadlifts (265x4,4,3,3,3,3), Seated Rows (160x4,4,3,3,3,3), Overhead press (115x2,2,2,2,1,1), Dumbbell lateral raises (15x12,10,8,8). I’m actually doing back-to-back workouts because I didn’t make it Monday, so today I’ll be doing Weighted chins (bw+25x4,4,4,4,4,4), Close-grip benches (170x2,3,4???), Clean pulls (225x4,4,4,4,4,4) and additional triceps work (dumbbell extensions, pressdowns, dips). On Friday, I’ll hit front squats (175x3,3,3,3,3,3) followed immediately by back squats with the same weight for four reps. Then I’ll do Power cleans (135x5,5,5,5), and finish off with a high rep set of squats with the power clean weight and then proceed to do a little biceps work (hammer, dumbbell curls). Next week is my last week of this set/rep scheme. I’ll have a week off while on vacation and then come back and begin Staley’s Convergent Phase Training. So all is well at this time. Still increasing or maintaining strength while slowly trimming down.