I’m hoping to get feedback on my training and nutrition from you guys. My goal is to get stronger, leaner and more functional. I also want to add muscle that may come from getting stronger. I know, I’ve heard it a million times, you can’t gain and lose at the same time. I don’t think it’s necessarily true. I think it is possible if your nutrition and training is top knotch. Okay, here it goes. Stats: 26, 5’4", 150lbs, about 13% bodyfat. As for training, I am following the 5x5 method. Prior to the workout, I stretch, do abs and of course warm-up sets. This is my current routine:
Monday: Deadlift, stiff-legged deadlift, barbell rows, close-grip bench. Wednesday: Overhead press, shrugs, barbell curls, seated/standing calves. Friday: Front squat, weighted chins, bench press, dips.
I follow this with 20-30 minutes of cardio, usually on the stairmaster. On Tues and Thurs, I usually mountain bike, run stadiums or use combat conditioning. Workouts could be 20 minutes to two hours (I ride the trails about that long when I go out). Intensity is not always high. Depends on how I feel and what I’m doing. I also try to stay active on the weekend usually playing frisbee, swimming, mountain biking, etc. And I usually have one day a week where I am not active at all. I don’t feel overtrained at all by doing this.
Daily nutrition is as follows. BREAKFAST: Grow mixed w/ 16oz skim milk, 8-10 oz OJ. SNACK: 8 oz lowfat cottage cheese. LUNCH: (leftovers) Chicken breast, potato, veggies, apple. Or some variation of the above (tacos, fajitas, pot roast, chili, porkchops, etc). SNACK: 1 can albacore tuna and 8 oz yogurt. POST-WORKOUT: 2 scoops of Surge. DINNER: Some variation of my lunch (pot roast, burgers, steak, chicken, fish, etc). If I need another meal, I'll have another Grow shake with milk. I also will use this as my postworkout meal on non-weight training days. Daily calories is between 2,800-3,200. I consume at least 200 grams of protein and up to 280grams per day. My ratios have been consistent at about 33% protein, 40% carbs and 27% fat. I consume at least a gallon of water a day.
Supplementation is as follows: Mulitivitamin, Fish oils (6 grams), Vitamin C (1 gram), Vitamin E (1,000 iu), ZMA (three caps), T2 (2 caps) Grow and Surge. So do you have any feedback for me? Please let me know if I'm missing something. Thanks guys.