I’ve been running starting strength for a month and I just wanted your feedback on how you think I’m going. I feel as if I’m finding it harder and harder to keep up progress and I’m not sure if I should up my calorie intake
How much do you weigh? Is this is kg or lbs (guessing lbs)? How many calories are you taking in daily? What are your goals (bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman, etc…)?
I’ve got to agree with everyone in here. The squats are the most important part of that program.
WHat’s holding you back from squatting? If you’e been working on form with an empty bar, adding 5 pounds to it shouldn’t be much different. Then another 5 after that… until you’re actually squatting real weight.
What I’ve found is that it’s actually harder to focus on proper form when the weights aren’t heavy enough. When the weights get heavy, things like “sit back” and “press your knees out” actually become a lot more relevant.
Starting strength is built around the squat. At least start adding 5 pounds every time you lift and you will be lifting some real weight in no time at all, and your form will probably be better to. Still, nice gains on your lifts.
What is holding you back from squatting? Why do you feel safe to deadlift but not squat. Deadlift is much more of a technical lift in my opinion. Secondly what is holding you back on the squat so bad that you have had to practice with a empty bar for over a month. And last no one can tell you whether you should or should not increase calories without knowing what the hell your currently eating.
[quote]johnny123 wrote:
I’m not sure if I should up my calorie intake[/quote]
What’s your current bodyweight?
Fixing your form is definitely a great idea but, as was said, entirely eliminating squats in the meantime is a terrible idea. If you’re having that much trouble, video a few sets (with weight) and start a thread for help.
I started at 180 and now I’m at 191 seems a bit to much but surprisingly I can still see my top 2 rows of abs which is what I could see before I started running this as for my diet:
4 whole eggs with can of tuna
3 sachets of porridge mixed with protein powder
Glass of milk
1 apple
1 up and go
1 can of tuna
Handful of almonds
Turkey sandwich
1 banana
Protein shake mixed with natural peanut butter
Normally a type of lean meat with rice or pasta on the side
Snack before bed
2 glasses of milk
2 slices of cheese
1 tb of cottage cheese
1 tb of natural peanut butter
1 can of tuna
1 piece of fruit
[quote]Halcyonview wrote:
How much do you weigh? Is this is kg or lbs (guessing lbs)? How many calories are you taking in daily? What are your goals (bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman, etc…)?[/quote]
My goals are to eventually start a bodybuilding split, I want to put on some decent mass
Well I’m not squatting because of the fact that when I do I lean to far forward I’m unable to sit back into the squat and this causes me hip pain so that’s why I’ve been trying to perfect my form with no weight on the bar
[quote]johnny123 wrote:
Well I’m not squatting because of the fact that when I do I lean to far forward I’m unable to sit back into the squat and this causes me hip pain so that’s why I’ve been trying to perfect my form with no weight on the bar[/quote]
Have you tried box squats? They help with learning that movement.
Your diet looks reasonable for your weight, but your numbers do not. You must be reasonably tall. If you can’t figure out how to free squat with weight, that’s fine. But while you figure that out, you should keep box squatting. It is nearly impossible to work on form with no weight on the bar.